Damage classes vs Hybrid Classes

Why are classes designed around their damage output, healing more than hybrid classes in arenas?

As a paladin I should be able to heal more than a warrior, death knight, warlock right? After all… I am a protector of the holy light? Apparently not. How can a warrior self heal 8+mil while outputting 25+mil in damage in a 5 minute arena match, while I’m struggling to barely pump out -3m in healing, if I’m lucky.

The paladin’s self healing on The War Within beta isn’t looking much better…


That’s why I only play the true hybrid class of rogue


Because of tuning. No other logical reasoning.

What’s old Horrigan up to these days?


Bro we legit have some serious cd’s both offensive and defensive , I do agree the roles have been changed a bit from class to class spec to spec over time. Over all Rey is in a very solid place Tbf.

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It’s just that certain forms of mitigation appear on details and others don’t. Like, Hunters and Mages don’t get a little bar for kiting damage. Warrior can’t kite damage so they have ignore pain or warpaint and impend.


The game used to be balanced this way with hybrids doing more healing. To compensate hybrids did less damage.

When they bumped up damage to be about the same, the toned down healing to be about the same too.

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i actually heal alot playing enh shaman

Yea, I noticed the same thing with my enhancement shaman. I could be directly healing my team and I’d still be out healed by fury warriors by a hefty margin. But what irks me is I have to sacrifice my damage to pump out those heals whether they are on allies or myself.

So those fury warriors are also demolishing me in overall damage.

Seriously, wtf?

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Some of that healing is from bloodthirst. Bloodthirst is one of the main attacks for fury and includes a 3% HP heal. That 3% isn’t typically going to be a life saving heal, but 3% repeatedly gained from spamming bloodthirst through an entire match would add up.
During enraged regen (wall) that heal is increased by 20%.
There is also a talent that makes bloodthirst crits apply a dot with a leach attached to it. It is also small, but also adds up over time.

Second wind will heal you to full if you are not taking any damage, but that is rare and nobody really takes that for arena fights because you will almost always be taking damage from something. Works great in BGs as a replacement for eating :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, Impending victory is a 30% heal on a 25s CD which is huge lol. That adds up.

Pure dps classes should have 0 healing.

This is a Warr buff I could get behind. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: Make dstance 20/20 again.

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Yea, I understand all that, but something seems way off.

Like I said.

Why does my enhancement shaman have to choose to do damage or heal whereas the warrior gets all of it baked into his damage rotation? That’s why he ends up with more damage and healing then me most of the time.

Some things come to mind like utility and kiting capability.
Enhance shaman can still do some damage on the run while at range of their target, and they have the option to run away and heal behind a pillar or something like that.

Fury heals by melee attacking a target, so they need to be in range attacking something to do any self-healing.

Might be some hope, M+ players are complaining about this as well. Basically healers just do chores in M+ and prevent lethal damage rather than healing. They recently did a leech nerf on the beta, though this isn’t enough to solve the pvp issue.

Yo imma be real if they increase hps requirement across the board healing becomes considerably less popular

paladin is already going to be stronger than what it is now simply due to the divine favor rework and healing should feel way more flush instead of a bit of a setup.

position somewhere close so you can global if needed
hand of div
barrier of faith cuz hammer is garbage and s4 only uses 2 piece
pre-shock for IOL/WOG proc
assess the fight

that’s way different than most of the other healers. I like what they are doing with hpal and I hope it makes a difference. the spec is balanced around immunities so you simply cannot adjust any value or the class/spec will soar to the top of the category (again).

paladin currently suffers from observation e.g., you just kinda watch and hope your team is calculated enough to orchestrate a win condition which is why top comps are usually hpal/destro/ww or hpal/splay. we did get damage and WOG buffs recently but it’s not enough and it’s too late to spend more labor into it.

this is only in regards to the PvP iteration of the spec. I don’t PvE so I have no idea about their performance or representation.

But keep in mind it’s mostly just warriors out healing hybrids.
And not all healing done on details is actual healing, it throws in shielding in there as well.

No pure dps spec should be out healing a hybrid class except maybe an aff lock but even then it should be close.

Also warriors, dks, and dhs are not pure dps classes, they are tank/dps and SHOULD have some tankiness.

It’s fine for locks and warriors to have shields as that is their defensive theme.

It does not make sense for warriors to have spammable victory rush and second wind while at low hp in TWW.

Why do fury warriors even have blood thirst/enraged regen? They are not dks they are not suppose to be stealing health with their attacks.

Bloodthirst is their thing. I don’t know what else to call it. It’s the staple talent that the entire tree branches from followed directly by raging blow and into enraged regen.
The entire spec is based around these with left side of the tree being bloodthirst related, right side of the tree being raging blow related, and the center of the tree starting with enraged regen which you have to take if you want things like rampage (primary spender) and recklessness (primary offensive) you must take enraged regen.
The shield I guess you are referring to ignore pain which fury does not have access to.
So instead of that shield, fury gets basically a steady but minor heal over time that is baked into their dps rotations.

I thought the PvE healer club wanted exactly that?
Reacting to critical damage mechanics, but otherwise contributing to party DPS in a meaningful way.
Being part of the fight and less of a by-stander in the scenario, which does sound more fun.
For that to work, DPS specs will need to compensate for that lack of health bar maintenance by doing it for themselves without significant impact to their primary objective which is doing damage to things.

except you don’t press bloodthirst for literally any reason other than when you have regen up

Idk if you’ve only met a handful of the better PvE healers but no. This is very far from the general consensus

There is a large community of healers that only want to stare at raid frames and never press a dps button.

“Why would I roll healer if I have to do dps “