Damage classes vs Hybrid Classes

Season 3 tier set said otherwise. It was basically Odyn’s into Bloodthirst spam preferably with bloodbath procs to modify further.

S4/S2 set also stacks a buff that increases bloodthirst damage significantly.
Spam raging blow, rampage whenever possible, build up stacks, and unload a chunky bloodthirst preferably coming directly after rampage as a bloodbath proc.
Those fully buffed bloodbaths chunk, so you might want to try hitting it once in a while when the stacks add up to see what happens.
I’m not saying spam it. That is what raging blow is for, but if you using tier set and never hitting bloodthirst/bloodbath outside of regen, you are leaving some good burst damage on the table.
A bloodbath from a rampage with full tier stacks plus a 50% damage modifier on a target below 35% from vicious contempt is a good way to finish off a target.

no one plays 4 set for fury besiders pvers? it’s a damage loss :dracthyr_a1:

Okay but currently nobody takes left side of tree or 4pc.

You don’t play the left side of the tree (bloodthirst) nor do you play empowered bloodthirsts off rampages, nor do you play 4 set.


Tfw ignore pain makes the pain go away

There is no justification for anyone who can’t cast a heal, to have a healing ability. They started this nonsense with Rogues in Cata and the Hybrid tax has never gone away because of it. Also, they don’t balance for pvp, clearly, it’s just for mythic+ defensives.

Why does ret paladin do more damage than ‘pure’ dps specs? Pick your battles. You’re playing one of the most busted specs of the xpac.

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Idea of a hybrid class is a novelty now, it’s archaic thinking let it go.

Warriors have as much team support as a shaman or paladin even if they can’t directly cast a heal on an ally


Self healing >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

good thing warriors a hybrid :^)

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how much are they healing their team for?

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Yo shut up. Not only should ret heal as well as a healer, and do more damage than pure DPS, and have broken amounts of utility, but it should also have an unpurgeable divine shield passively with 100% uptime because class fantasy.

Don’t bring logic into this.


Yea, I was fighting a fury warrior with my enhancement shaman and my big insta heals could not outdo all the healing he was doing. The fight lasted awhile, but in the end he outhealed me and won. I could not get him below 50% health.

After seeing the so called enhancement rework by the devs, I decided to shelve mine for the expansion. Sure, they might have a few unbalanced hero talents that will make them powerful for a few weeks, but that type of stuff will get fixed and the spec will be back to garbage in pvp outside arena.

if there really was such thing as hybrid tax… boomkin deserves to be hit with it

but not rally. youll find boomkin can do the best dps, the best cc, the best offheals.

i guess thats hybrid

Take away all healing from pure dps classes. Nerf damage of some hybrid classes thats over tuned right now Like Boomy and buff the healing of whichever hybrids need it.

Hybrids don’t need a buff to their healing. It’s the pure dps classes that need a major nerf to theirs.

You say nerf, I say pruned.

So if we need PvP changes, we start infiltrating the m+ forum?

The insult to injury part of all of this is hybrids can barely off heals these days. Intervene, darkness, AMS, all do better ‘healing’ than anything any hybrid can do (sans LOH or swap).

Whys that matter tho?

Its far more interesting for a Ret paladin to have high impact cds rather than all those archetypes just spamming regrowth/healing surge/flash of light on everyone imo

Or Shaman to have high utility totems, pinch heals that they can buff

And druids can spam regrowth/roots/clones. They’ve had talents for awhile to shift and get improve regrowth when used multiple times.

Self sustain is something all specs do now, so why does a warrior heal more is such a shallow way of looking at the class thats meant to be able to stay on the frontlines

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