Dalaran Defender Gear Bug?

Is it just me or has all of the defender gear suddenly changed from warband bound to Bind on Pickup? All of the gear I had collected for my alts has vanished from my warband bank and the vendor only sells them as BoP. Wtf is going on?


Yeah it did it to me too.

Idk if it was intentional. It’s not a huge deal but I was planning to use it to quickly turn stuff into tier.

It’s a problem, You can’t transfer the currency unless the character has the currency, so if you were holding it on one character to buy for everyone, you got screwed. Just found out the hard way. Wasted tons of gear.

So glad I didn’t buy the expansion because now I’m really mad.


Well that would suck. Spent the morning getting sets for alts and putting them in the banks.

Hope it comes back.


Happened to me. Not super happy about it. I had some alts that could use the stuff I stored in there

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It is probably a glitch right? Like our guild banks being empty, then full, then empty again?

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I was just coming bck to say I noticed that. I’m so annoyed. For me it was just because I was going to get an appearance I want ona a character, but said character can’t even transfer the currency. I hope this was just an oversite it’s a stupid and pointless change.

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Same here, all the gear I banked up for later use suddenly stopped being warbound - kinda blows but hopefully blizz will fix it :slight_smile:


I found this out last night as i was gearing some alts, i would transfer every memory to one character and buy some stuff for them and when i was done and wanted to work on a second i had to enter a portal, kill one silly mob to get ONE radiant memory so i could transfer the memories to that guy.

I appreciate the ability to tanfer currencies but this system needs to be looked at again.


I really hope this is an unintentional oversight. I don’t remember seeing any warning that this would happen to the gear, and I don’t think it’s ever happened to any other event gear that was bind on account. I’ve seen it suggested that it might be a bug with the “Warband bind” setting, since it’s new.


Same here. When I logged on my main I went to the tab and all the Dalaran Defender gear was not accessible (they were Soulbound inside my Warband bank account).

When I logged back in on a different toon, they were all missing. I had some decent overflow of gear that I wanted to use for alternative specs.

This really sucks Blizzard. Not cool at all.


Yes, that is a bug they know about and are investigating.

Edit to add a Support article they just released



… I’m getting really tired of this stuff. :expressionless:


Thank you for the update! I’m glad to know it was not intended, it just seemed kinda mean XD Appreciate you =)

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Hopefully they get it fixed soon. I know folks have alts they were saving that gear for. I have 10 level 70s myself and I know at least a few of them likely needed to grab gear from the bank still when I get around to taking them to TWW.

it has never happened… untill i cleaned my inventory out last week. i had pre event gear from pandaria… draenor … and even pre dragonflight gear… but pre TWW gear? blizz must delete… why? and why is it a bug when the expac released on thursday … and everything was fine…

Because as I am sure you know, the Expansion did not release on Thursday. It released today. That means the pre-expansion event that rewarded that gear was still going until today. The bug occurred today when they ended the pre-patch event. It would be one of a hundred times an event had issues starting on time, ending on time, or being bug free. In other words, this is kind of normal to have event conversion issues - esp with a new database and Warband system.

So yeah, the bug occurred when the pre-expansion event ended today.

Yeah but that bug also DELETED the items after they were seen to be soulbound. I really hope they have stuff in place to see what we put in there.

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They just changed how all gear works for past and future. It was not a small feat I’m sure! They will get it fixed eventually, no big deal… stay calm

thanks for info, I hope they can fix it, i have gear for five alts in there