Dalaran Alliance Reconnections

Heya Briz. Do you know if Selenite is playing Classic?

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Hey Peneth. I was in LoG and CVN although in CVN I was usually a Dwarf Pally named Zombieslaya. I know a few old CVNers and Im still in contact wth JuJu(bie) from LoG. I think the old GM of LoG went to work for Blizz for a while not sure if he is still there tho.
Fun seeing these old names.

I was a human warrior on dalaran named Revelationx playing from late Classic through all of Burning Crusade. Most of my playtime was Burning Crusade but Im hoping to reconnect with familiar faces regardless.

Hey, everyone. I used to play the following characters:

  • Leica - Gnome Rogue
  • Gudupobi - Human Mage
  • Arrhythmia - Human Priest
  • Dinosaur - NE Hunter

Later, I also played:

  • Cataclysm - Draenei DK
  • Gudupapa - Draenei Shaman

I played in Friendship Seven, Soldiers For Eternity, and several other guilds over the years. I would love to find the people I used to play with, but in particular it would be cool to reconnect with Thorean, who used various iterations of that name.

/wave Cana

Good to see you again my friend

Coopathingy I remember you from LoG! I was a NE warrior named Elfguard. Some of my best memories of vanilla were with LoG. Do you know if Jujubie plans to play? I haven’t spoken to her in years. Also curious if Mightymin is still around somewhere

Choop! Add me on BNET - Briznot#1909

I saw Selenite in Chicago last year, and I mentioned Classic to her… she seemed interested, but non-committal.

I’ll ping her again about it :slight_smile:

Rigsid and Ellesime were also in “Blades of Darnassus”. Ellesime so.ehow conned me out of my jade when I was a wee hunter. Good times.



Good to hear the drop bears and jack jumpers haven’t killed you yet.

I’ll never forget the white dress with a torch chasing lowbies around.

Holy hell Vlad.

How you doing you big man? The SFU times on Dark Iron were some of the best Vanilla memories I hold on to.

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It would have been repaid with an orange hammer if you stuck around for one, but I’m glad you got one anyway!

No doubt, I don’t have any regrets taking that bunch over there, smile everytime I think about it in fact. Actually saw where Brucelovely himself posted over in the DI reconnection boards horde side. Love that we’re seeing so many old names.

Literally the only regret I’ve got about all of the time I spent in WoW back then was losing touch with everyone! Speaking of which… Vladamier#1504 :wink:

Parol here. This place is still a great time after 15 years.
hey Zaeom, Adazlian
and anyone who posted and I missed.



So… I was hoping Saraf was going to respond… but I suppose you’ll work. I did send you a friend request though.

Hey Sunetra! I definitely remember you two.

Bludkraze - Human Warrior… i think, i swear I transferred 3 times in Vanilla/BC

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I played a human warrior named Sevr in Friendship Seven right up to the release of BC. The name Thorean jogged so many memories.


Hey Jimmy, definitely remember you and your dad, good old days of MC! Hope he is doing well!

Will be on on Mankrik come release!

Nimloth - Mephion#1907

Could it really possibly be Canariensis?!? (may have spelled that wrong)

How ya been man? Hit me up in game if you are still around or coming back for classic, I will be on Mankrik.

Nim - Mephion#1907