Dalaran Alliance Reconnections

cough Your time in Spartans doesn’t even get a nod I guess! cough

Hope you have been well man! :slight_smile:

Nim - Mephion#1907

Luckily we have a chance at redemption. Join us on the 27th and we’ll farm Rag 'til I get a hammer… Only I’ll be a troll this time.

Gnome warlock. Mostly just afk rode the tram.

Ended up in Obscured Reasoning despite stealing a Blackrock Depths key from Gnorlock on my first “raid”. I also got to be the token gnome in Blades of Darnassus while leveling up.


No idea what he’s up to, haven’t talked to him in ages. Only people I’ve really kept up with are Vida, who is an IRL friend, and Theghio.

Yo Jizra, I’m Elfguard. I remember you from Eminence and it’s many reincarnations from vanilla to wotlk. Do you know if Theghio plans on playing classic?

Ghio has been playing some standard WoW on and off kind of like me. I’ve been talking to him about Classic a bit, but I don’t know if he’s decided yet.

Word, well next time you speak with him tell that Elfguard said what’s up. Feel free to add me on bnet: Ulthric#1926

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I’m alive!

Warrior Account is looong gone - made this BM for BfA

How you been!?

Last thing I heard about Saraf he quit WoW before BfA released

What up dude! I’ve been good, how about yourself? I remember when you got your Hand of Rag haha, hope life’s been treating you well

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Only SoB with Hand of Rag and Ashkandi too :smiley:


Parol!! Hey buddy. I found screenshots from DM days if you or Z would be interested. One from wayyyy back in the MC days the other is a kill shot of I think vael. Adaz#1641

Hit me up on Bnet my dude

sure would. lost all but one Rag kill movie to a bad hard drive.

and I do still have this:

HAIL. Come to Mankrik

I still have the audio clip of when Soulnova banked your stuff and all of Gaia pretended you got hacked!

I PvPed super hardcore until burning out in the middle of school and raiding. I became much more casual after midway into MC while I was with Black Dragon Elite.

Loktar, Verantic(k), Sinaja, and many more I can’t remember right now, were common foes in PvP. Granted, Loktar was healbotted like crazy. I still remember the explanation of the meme “HEAL LOKTAR” from Molten Core via Doom.


I was in Phoenix Royal Guard and then in Windriders for a while. I had a warrior named Vulcan. My cousin and his best friend were in Might and Magic. Named Felm and I can’t recall his friends name.


Haha Reyna. I remember you. I had my warrior Vulcan.


I played a Resto Druid STACIAMEDUSA

I was in Eminence, LessQQ, Downfall, Ascend. I left alliance during WOtLK to ease up on raiding.

I already see several people i recognize. It brings back many good memories reading through everyone’s posts.

I haven’t played in about 2 months. But im playing a troll druid over on Zul’jin now. But original staci as i call her is still on Dalaran in Windriders.