Dalaran Alliance Reconnections

Claudio here checking in. Played in Legion of Grace, Eminence, Crimson Dagger. Just looking for old guildies and friends! Like Murdi, Pinky, Derkaiser, Jujubie, Mightymin, Parvin, Arihensley, etc

Hey gang, I played NE Hunter, Thiborz from Heroes of the Command. Currently on Pagle.

Good to see some old names. Wind Riders, Moment of Silence, SWAT. All we need now is Phoenix Royal Guard to come and save PVP :stuck_out_tongue:

Holy Crap! Niefankazz! Dude!

This is Thiborz

i remember you for some reason XD. Was Honjura a human warrior back in the day.

so i used to play as
Honjura - Human Warrior (used to be in the top 10 for tanking on the server during WOTLK)
Rochanor - NE Hunter

Looking for a good friend of mine name Wintersune + anyone else who was from the old days.

hey mccrowly, i remember you being one of the top tankers on the server, long time bud. Think i did quite a few raids with you back in the day a pub tank. being Australian before Oceanic servers meant a lot of “late night” raids with Americans.

Hey! I used to play a holy pally named Highrider, or a druid named Bubbleman

Holy Priest Martyluthr and a nelf hunter Hillbilly jim

Rapier! My favorite Dwarf Warrior has become a Troll! ./wave

I am playing alliance on Myzrael as a mage Hurler and rogue Steros.

What character names? I am playing as Hurler and Steros.

Feluen on Myzrael

I added both of your characters to my friendslist
What time are you usually on WoW?

I played a NE warrior named Roriely and another toon Roriel/Darkness. I was a pretty casual player, never did end game raiding just chilled in sw with friends. Used to play with Kabarr (NE rogue), Minniiee (ne rogue), Banelebe (ne druid), Lighting (ne hunter), Skelatorr (human pally?), Danceer (NE warrior) and plenty others but can’t think of any more names… if you remember me, holla :smiley: I was a kid back then haha but it would be cool to talk to old friends. Bri#1788

Zzherins, Zzherina, Zherselis, Dreadloche and Zoothing. I have joined the guild Sunrise.

Yeahhhh, I was not a fan of that. Eliminating some of the best dps to OT the OT of the OT and the OT.

I was in Rabid Pandas as a fury Warrior named Inkums :slight_smile:

Waibb, Sure I remember you Apolyon talking here. Wow, it’s been a while!

HiHi to all the members of HotC in here!


APOOOOOOOO Hey dude, hope all is going well <3

Sure things, less time to play but still trying to get the best out of it!