How the heck are ya?!
How the heck are ya?!
Hey all, it’s great to see these familiar names again!
I played Ramiel (NE Druid) back in Vanilla. I was in SWAT for a while, and might have briefly been in CVN before I took a break until BC when I joined Victorious Secret(s). I’m now playing a NE Rogue on the Westfall server in classic, hope to see some of you around!
hell yeah I am! Wow Viton, thats a name from the past!
Skunky reporting in. I played a gnome warlock on Dalaran-A in vanilla. I raided with Legion of Grace and Spartans.
Nimloth, good to see you, buddy! Hope you are still going strong.
Elfguard, I hope you are doing well too, old friend
Toon names?
Wow lots of MoS (Moment of Silence) people on here. I was Pointdex (gnome mage) and Original (dwarf priest). Was in MoS from release through AQ40 I believe and went to The Windriders for a bit before I left the server.
Hey Hands/Quill that is my bnet id. I am just chillin on Myz server going real slow with a priest.
Good to see you doing well! I played as Yuuzahnvong (one of your minions) during the LoG days.
heya Lucy! I played as Rutten (DK) and Rua (shaman) during those days. Those were awesome people to play alongside. though it was during wotlk. Marayla is my wife. Though I think you are close, May was one of the guild leaders but I didn’t know her very well.
Shout out to Arkham’s Sarith, Kisara, Svlad, Flauris, Smores, Kargirl, Lirinku, sofonda, efvilzebina, graedus, xoruk to name a few!
Sunetra! Its me, Cephis! How have you been!?!?! I was looking for you and Gug!
Cephis here, played a Human Warlock. Was in Flame of the Phoenix with Gug, Sun, Gaiden, Storyn, Merexis, Kiala, and many more.
How the heck are you?? We’ve been wondering how you were doing! We’re playing Dalaran retail and Westfall Classic. Come say hey sometime!
Hey man its Rales, was wondering if you guys are still planing to play classic? Would love to catch up and play a bit with some of the old crew. What a blast from the past! I made a character on Atiesh alliance side named Demondriver, look me up if you guys decide to!
Yo! Good to hear from you. People are pretty scattered. I am over on Kromcrush with Weeble for pvp mainly. I do have toons on Atiesh though and will do. Stay well!
Gaia decided to go Stalagg. We have a pretty good chunk of older Dalaran players. If you haven’t found a home yet, or just want to play with us hit me up Propaniac#11140
I was Ignis, I was in Heroes of the Command and then Might and Magic. Does anyone remember that warrior(?) Terrorblaze who ninja’d a ton of lava cores from Black Dragon Elite?
I had a rogue in your guild named Feluen
I’m on the Classic Server Old Blanchy on Horde side but I’m up for making an Alliance character on whatever server you are on
Yuuz, good to see you as well! I hope life has been kind these many years and that you and yours are well. Take care, old friend
HOLY CRAP!!! Hey elf and Dave!!! This is Claudio btw! i rolled on incendius, horde with a bunch of IRL friends. But hopefully we can re-add each other through and chat!! been way too long!
Looking for more old friends from Legion of Grace, Heroes of the Command. The other guilds I was in in TBC (cant remember) LOL. MajoraGaKill#1189
I still play and have played a Human and then later Night elf Warrior named Dennurias.
I used to be in a guild called Sang Real and then Vision of Chaos.
I don’t remember too much about a lot of the players but if you recognize me, let me know!