Daily Reminder

You are only as good as what you are willing to tolerate. If you permit toxicity in your circle, you become the toxicity.


We accept the love we think we deserve :worried:


I hear this…

But, if some rando meanie is gonna call me “bad” or “insecure” when I’m neither of those things, I might clap back. Sometimes, I don’t tho. Ppl should stand up for themselves. Sometimes I want peace and say nothing. My brain bounces back and forth depending on the situation and how I wanna handle it.

Overall, draw a circle and stand it - that’s all you gotta worry about.


what you consider toxicity for some view as positivity and jokes what you consider jokes and positivity some view as toxicity you give a reminder that is entirely suggestive

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I think the word you’re looking for here is ‘subjective’.


A personal favorite of mine is when toxic ppl use the excuse of something like, “Oh, it was just a joke. rElAx!” Nah. It wasn’t.

The cool thing about getting older is you don’t really tolerate those lame human beings in your life anymore.

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I find as I get older it’s easier to ignore it.

You’re never going to change anybody on the internet. Only I have the power to let you upset me.


This is true within certain limits. People are not robots, and they have normal emotional reactions to their environments. Feelings are natural and useful. Sometimes they can tell us when to invite someone into our circle, or to shut someone out. We do not choose emotions, but we do choose our actions.

I don’t get internet tough guys. I still treat everyone online as if they’re standing next to me.

:dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean::dragon: :ocean:

And I would counter someone who gets upset over an internet weirdo being an internet weirdo should do some self-reflection.

No one, you me or anyone else, matters because we don’t know each other. not really. I would make the claim that you’re not emotionally mature (at least not in the moment) if you let someone get the best of you for a brief and non harmful interaction.

Life is filled with unfortunate incidences but we don’t all have to let them ruin our day

Or RL emotionally scarred by RL situations that they could do nothing about and so they need the reminder.

You say the right thing, but could have worded it better.

It takes effort and a lot of mental and emotional callouses to blow off hurtful comments.

There are psychology forums you can visit.

It also takes understanding humans in general. They lash out. Most incidents have nothing to do with what actually happened. Happy people don’t lash out at minor inconveniences in a video game. Why get upset with people who are clearly unhappy (at least in the moment) unless I too am unhappy or insecure? Perspective is lost on many people especially when life is so easy.

Blunt I am. But I am not lying.

This is just as profound as live laugh love

While there is something to be said for not taking offense to every little thing, I believe that developing “thicker skin” if pushed too far can make a person unnecessarily callous and lacking in empathy (“it didn’t anger me, why is anybody else angry about it?”). It’s no coincidence that denizens of the corners of the internet that require the thickest skin to spend any amount of time in also tend to be the most unpleasant to interact with.

So in my eyes, a balanced approach is what’s called for. Most people let the occasional off-color remark slip, often without being aware it’s off-color, and there should probably be some slack for those cases, but if a person’s brand of humor requires everybody surrounding them to have “thick skin” to tolerate them, that person clearly has some work to do if they expect to participate in society.

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Not saying you are, in fact I agreed with what you said, just not how you said it.

I have unfortunately dealt with too many people in RL who can be nasty, some for purely their own enjoyment ( a small minority, mercifully) that I just wanted to remind you that sometimes the ‘letting it get to you’ is easier advice to give than to follow.

Some people are fragile, sometimes overly so. Unfortunately.

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Why do people leave off the dance part of this? Do people just hate dancing?

This is so profound. Harambe didn’t die for this :pensive: