Daily reminder that defending in Wintergrasp is obscenely overpowered and needs to be nerfed

I think a lot of it is luck of the draw and who wins the opening battle at SR or BT. For my team, we wiped the horde at SR while some of their team (too many apparently) went for the south towers. The amount of kills from the initial battle allowed us to stack tanks 12/12 very quickly (with some demos and catas I’m sure). Since they couldn’t build vehicles because they didn’t kill enough of us they only had the cannons to defend. We instructed ranged to focus cannons ONLY, once those went down it was essentially GG. By the time a lot of the team got back to the keep from attacking down south we had already gotten to the final wall.
I honestly believe that this is the ONLY way to win an attack. It has to be an IMMEDIATE zerg and if that fails, you will generally lose. Hope this helps some folks in the future!
Edit: Don’t forget to interrupt people with rockets when you are attacking. Also, using rockets to break a vehicle defense is helpful if it can be coordinated correctly.

I wholeheartedly agree with this assessment. The initial push is usual the best attempt and if you don’t make it through by the time defenders can regroup it’s over.

Thanks for your insights.

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No problem! I wish they would fix this, but Blizz has a historically bad reputation for tuning old content :face_with_head_bandage:


AV’s problem was as simple as changing numbers on a spreadsheet.

WG’s problem is much more complicated, and stems heavily from the fact that the map wasn’t designed with a BG rotation in mind. There used to be an offensive bias simply because WG was also access to a raid instance.

I have to agree with your WG assessment.

It feels like all the defenders have to do is defend, assault towers while having defensive advantage (Primarily the turrets).

For offense, feels like they have to do more much strategically to gain an advantage, and very rarely a victory. This is a problem cause 40 pug players cant coordinate to that extent vs the enemy just defending one location with turrets/ walls and gaining a victory.

this BG is incredibly toxic and needs to be removed until its fixed, or simply let it be gone forever. Players rage quit out of offense due to the insanely low win rate and massive time sink, and it just sucks more and more people in and ruins their queue as well. I’ve sat through a WG offense and watched easily 60+ people cycle through the one game.

This is as toxic as it gets. should be turned off immediately



Day 649 and attacking still a trash role

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Only way to win on attack is defenders giving up. or most are just afking farming honor like typical alliance.

Pretty much, everything hinges on the very first teamfight for the offense.

On the plus side, because everything hinges on that first teamfight, you find out very very quickly whether it’s going to be a win or a loss (within the first 4-5 minutes at the most).

If offense wins the first fight then it might be worth staying, but its definitely not just a win from there. Offense has to completely obliterate the defense in every aspect of the BG to win. If you lose at SR, then its def a loss though. Defense will insta snowball from there

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I wish we could just black list Winterfail and Trashcan.

the whole point of the epic fail queue is to separate all of the BGs that everybody used to ban from the random BG queue. Its just playing an odd role now with the weekly quests and pretty sizeable first win of the day for conquest

I wouldn’t mind it so much if it wasn’t those two I get so often. At one point I was like “is this crap really random”.

I’ve never lost on defense, and never won on offense.

its not random. you get those way more often because nobody wants to play them and leaves the game

ah, well that explains that.

I’ve won on offense and defense, but yes, defense is way overpowered. It’s a completely demoralizing experience. It has nothing to do with factions; the faction on defense typically wins and that’s a bad feeling for those who queue into offense.

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If I queue into WG and I’m on offense, I just insta leave. Easier to take a 15 minute deserter debuff as opposed to a 30+ minute loss.


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