"Daily quests now reset at 7:00 a.m. realm time". welp, this sux big time

I dont hate the game. Ive played the game for 20 years of my life. I hardly hate it.

I completely disagree with the direction developers have taken with their rendition of WOTLK classic… and instead made it Activision WOTLK++++ with no rhyme or reason into any of their decisions.

I have opinions on the game as a long time player and feel my input is valuable towards getting the change Id like to see.

Well, it is now 7:13 on Benediction and Faerlina. Dailies have not reset, the way the patchnotes said they should have. The daily dungeon also did not change, so can’t get my second emblem bag of the day it seems. Other dailies did change at midnight PST as usual though, like the fishing daily (went from Blood is Thicker to Disarmed! on Faerlina).

so lovely how they can find time to fix bugs in a raid but can’t find time to fix quests that don’t spawn the mob or items that are needed to make them work. pet classes pet AI. its not even close anymore they literally act multi dollar company/small indie company with crap like this. pet broken logic has only been a thing since prepatch can’t get a word in on that edge wise. not in the release of wrath proper, not in any of the blue notes. they just ignore but they find time to let us know we’re changing daily resets. buff classes that bring more utility than most classes have in all their specable options. this company is just a damned meme at this point.

8:08 server time, still hasn’t reset and it hasn’t changed the boss from Oculus.

because it doesn’t operate off 7 server. it operates off 7pst. so roughly under 90 minutes.

Yeah that’s what I figured. Blizzard explicitly said realm time in their post though, so…

Also, the daily heroic quest isn’t switching to a different daily at midnight PST like it used to (which every other daily quest still does), or at 3AM EST (like it has for the past few days).

hey i get it. i just assume when they say anything they mean PST. which i am a PST person. so it works in favor and against me…

patch notes said realm time…so idk.
9:40am now.
There was a new dungeon today as well. COS. Yesterday was Occu. I Didn’t do the daily quest, so idk if that was reset or not. Waiting till 10a to see what happens.

ToC dailies have not been reset yet either. (Starting my last faction today. 4/5 completed!!!)

Seems like you’re just crying to cry.

If you’ve been so religious about doing your dailies that missing one day is just going to ruin your ENTIRE ROUTINE… then you already have more badges than you need.

me too! Excited to get them all done by Sunday :slight_smile:

Aaaand it’s 10:00 on Benediction, daily reset just happened so we can get our quest, but the heroic daily boss didn’t change, its still oculus (and HoL for the regular dungeon daily). Hope you enjoy doing Oculus because looks like its gonna get stuck on that boss. Edit: disregard this part, just got unlucky and had the same boss two days in a row.

Time is hard :slight_smile:

I do agree, I also used the mornings to catch up on the daily if I missed it the day before…it was a nice option, but it is not really a big deal I guess.

I don’t understand the "fixing the 8 conquest badges/day though? What is that about?

u could get 2 satchels per day - like between 10am and 10am next day, as “daily heroic dungeon” (not quest) rotated at 7am instead of 10am. And satchel is locked to a dungeon, not quest.

Previously, dailies would reset at 7AM PST. However, it would reroll the random daily quest at 12AM PST. Since the conquest bag is tied to what dungeon is the daily heroic, you could login at 7AM, do the daily for Oculus and get the bag + daily done. Then you login again at 12AM, see that the daily is now Halls of Stone, and then get another bag by running that dungeon (can’t get the daily quest done though, because dailies haven’t reset yet).

Ah ok – Well I never knew this, but I guess some people figured it out and decided to abuse the system. Sounds like the fix was needed, sadly those who took advantage of it already got what they wanted, but not what they deserved.

The daily reset on Mankrik was the same as it has been at 10 so no real change there

Seems like a sort of non-issue to me. just do them before you go to bed /shrug

odd to imagine how 2 different people can have different issues.

Pointing out factual errors is insulting.

You heard it here first, folks!