Daily Quests not reset for me today

can’t do daily quests even though the server reset. Still getting message that I’ve completed 25 daily quests when I try accepting the new daily quests. This is on Pagle with my mage Lylla

Daily reset occurs at 11am EST (8am pst) 10am EST (7am PST) so you’ve got a few more minutes.


Actually they reset at 10am EST. I started my new Fishing and Cooking Daily quests at 10:01am

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8am PST is 11am EST.
I live in EST. It’s possible at some points the time difference for you might differ due to Daylight Savings time.


I also live on East Coast (Georgia). After the time change in November 2024, dailies for me reset at 10 am Eastern time (which is 7 am Pacific).


I think it actually does happen at 7am PST (10am EST).

For me, the resets happen at 2am AEDT, and converting the timezones brings me to 7am PST.


Well I’ll admit when I’m wrong! I’ll go edit my post. The time range is still the same (3hrs between pst and est) but yeah, the reset is at 10am. All the websites never changed for Daylight savings hah.

In game calendar does show 10am.


Here, this one is up-to-date with Daylight Savings conversions!


The context answer is that the servers themselves ignore daylight savings, and so the Pacific coast reset time will vacillate between 7am and 8am.

This applies, as far as I know, to anything that depends on a static reset point as opposed to a countdown (e.g. “72 hours from this point”).

Servers reset at 15:00 UTC which is 7am PST(10am EST) or 8am PDT(11am EDT).