Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

A bunch of the old Grim team is rolling on Fairbanks if anyone’s debating where to go and wants to hook up with old friends/server mates.


I got a question for you NWTR dudes, You guys used to have an orc Hunter. I can’t remember his name very well, it was something like CT or close to that. His brother and i played a ton and would be hyped to reconnect. Any of you dudes kept in contact with him if i’m close enough to ring a bell

His brother was an orc warlock named “Taylor”

Hey Tragedyx - It’s oxident (undead mage) from way back - I’ll be on the oceanic server as I’m from Australia was just checking old server forums to see who’s around

Good to see you’re back mate


These are all of the hunters I remember:


Clinttaurus played with us a bit, but I’m guessing you don’t mean him. There were probably a few others, but those are the main raiders than I remember.


Appreciate it, i know treevinal irl i used to go to the lan center he ran when i was a kid. Him and Cope are rad dudes! None of those names aside from Tree ring a bell! Thanks a bunch!

What happened to all this Whitemane talk?!?!?!


Cope! Tell him i said whats up! I remember Taylor but not the hunter, Keir’s list is the same as mine would be.

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Lol I also had to sledgehammer my way back into photobucket for my nostalgia pics.

Many memories from Daggerspine during Classic TBC and WOTLK. Kosmo and his warrior sidekick Molson will be back to break every fear and windfury totem those
BD Warrior groups. PV Sneeto and Blechy are the gods you seek but only the memories remain.


I am in active contact with Raccoon and Cryptlord. Dark Trinity is still running strong by the way! I Remember you from back in the day.


:frowning: none of the grim boys ever said whitemane

Several of us reserved names on Fairbanks.
I’ve heard some of RBC went Faerlina.
Where are the rest of Dspine natives headed?

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Wud/Slobbert here from NWTR. Good to see some old names.


Hey there big guy. Gotta see where Glovik is going, but it’d be nice to have an FTK/Grim reunion on Fairbanks.


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Fabtech! Hit me up on live some time. Dt is going to herod for classic.

Warm - Tauren Warrior (Classic)
Tot - BE Pally (BC/Wrath)
Varment - Troll Rogue (Early Cata)
Plus large assortment of alts

Was in Doombringers (Maroo), and Grim (Hail Pigboss). Seeing some familiar faces here, hoping we can get the band back together and slay some baddies again.



I played on Daggerspine from 2005 - 2007, and stopped playing a few months into TBC. My characters were a 60 troll shaman named Valencia (previously Viconia with an accented i - GMs made me change it), and a 65 UD priest Adelexia.

I can’t remember what the guild I was in was called, but I remember playing regularly with a warlock named Everine, a priest named Selfmade, and a hunter named Timmy. If I played with anyone else and you recognize my name, hit me up! :slight_smile:

That’s a name I haven’t heard since…

i was there!!!