Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

Lots of familar names in here!

Bamzor from Unfortunate Consequences / Furniture That Kills / Grim here.

have a good handful of us planning to come back for classic, sound like we’re rolling Fairbanks to avoid the streamer zombie armies. Hope to see you all there!


Holy moly you just slammed me into the pavement of Memory Lane.

Back in the day I played an Orc Hunter named Jamow.
Archons was my home sweet home. USDA, Sporkatic, Boni, Nuttyreturns, the list goes on and on.

Love seeing this thread!


what is the streamer server?

ARRRGGGHHH :slight_smile:

Ok coming thru with more nostalgia. You have to remove the space after the h for each link because these forums suck:

Archons first Rag encounter
h ttps://imgur.com/a/sLpnPjP

Funnies posted to realm forums (I was never in nwtr)
h ttps://imgur.com/a/aihD7qK

HolyWar came to town to duel and then infiltrate
h ttps://imgur.com/a/OHz8Tb2

Hi all. I played a warrior on the Horde side named Entul and a Bloodelf Zephyrz Holy Paladin was in the guild Sacred and Volatile.

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oh our epic pvp battle while we were doing the ray rep grind in bc days lol

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you had beautiful dance moves in the middle of shat

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Sindaria here, horde mage, nwtr.

If only I had the time I used to have back then :). I’ll read this thread later. Great server and good memories


Sindaria here, hey fellas.

Playing on the Aussie server, but saying hi

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Guild: The SoDK

Mostly Aussies. I was in US but didn’t sleep much, so the raid times were perfect :slight_smile:

Main: Zulukhan (UD warlock)
Alts: Heelzebub (UD priest), Quicksnipe (Orc hunter)


SincerelyMe - noob shaman

coming back from the dead as undead priest

maybe c some peeps from KHAOS BYOPS SKELETOR? :heart_eyes:

staysafe said they wont be playing on Fairbanks (PvP West) or Thalnos (PvP East)

just saw a tweet, looks like Esfand, Staysafe, Tips, Sodapoppin etc will be playing on Faerlina

Not sure about asmond yet, hes the worst impact wise for a server as well. Hopefully an Eastern server tho

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Keirathi here. Tauren shaman from NWTR.

Probably won’t be playing classic, but seeing all the names here brought up the nostalgia so I figured I could at least drop in and say hi.

Literally cant remember who got the black scarab from opening AQ but I logged on before High school to see the fighting

It was Mogalin, one of the rogues in NWTR. He actually stopped playing in the middle of all of the grind for the gate opening, and we had to have people play the account just to get all of the parts to finish the opening. I don’t remember him selling the account like Maarioh said, but maybe he did. He just stopped showing up one day.

Anyways, one last nostalgia dump (and like someone else said, you have to take the space out of the URL to get tot he images, sorry):

h ttps://imgur.com/a/uCmRIFU

Hope everyone is doing well!


Serghar here , orc warrior was in the guild “Disturbing the Peace” aswell . I remember the warrior Fuppas and also two brothers that played undead priests I think ones name was roofies

Ahh Keirathi whats up its Kapu! These screenshots giving me serious nostalgia, you have anymore? I lost all mine. Those were some of my best days gaming with you and NWTR. See that arena screenshot, I remember going to the arena on the first or second day after we transferred just destroying everyone.

Hey man, how’s it going? Good to hear from you!

Nah, sadly I think that’s all the pics I have that survived through the years. Just random ones I happened to upload to photobucket :confused:

Sadly I didn’t get to participate much in that early pvp. I was living in dorms at the time and had constant 1k+ ms ping. But it was still fun to go watch.

There were definitely some good times back then. I did most of the PvE content in the game in every expansion up until BFA, but the vanilla raiding was on another level. A big part of it was just because of server identity and racing against Holy War, Grim, etc. You saw those same people day in and day out for years, so there was some fun competition that was just never really the same in later expansions. I never went for Rank 14, but I can imagine it was the same for the big time pvp’ers.

Fun times, good memories.

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appreciate it!