Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

Deathwish here,
A couple of us have rolled Horde on Kurinaxx (West PVP server) one of the newer day 1 servers. Yesterday the queue was about 30mins and that seems the norm.

Ruggedo, Maarioh and myself are there so if you don’t have a home or are sick of the queues on the larger ones just drop me a message: Revidy#1346
I’ll add you to our discord and bnet chat.
None of us plan on playing too hardcore since we all have jobs/families/birds now (RIP :))
Especially any NWTR or old Void Legion buddies but anyone from Dspine’s (even alliance scum :p) welcome to join up! We could especially use a great rogue for our little group as no CC right now lol.
We are on from 6pm est to whenever in the evenings.
We are all lvl 11-15 at the moment.

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Deathring here from WarTribe / Murder Inc! I used to play a horde resto tauren shaman. Has anyone heard from Matterhorn or Nightcap since the old days? Plan on bringing back the good ole times and playing a resto shaman again. Hope to reconnect!

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Hi Glovik! This is Magaera from Grim. Which server are the folks from Grim playing WOW Classic on?


The nostalgia of all of this is nice, isn’t it?

Pfft sounds fabricated bit*h

Wowie sup pal still need that underground hip hop hook up !

Bos, whats up my friend. I still have the underground hookup. All you had to do was ask.

Some of the most fun times playing against you in WSG while we on vent together while you tried to convince me Mcdonalds was a legitimate meal

Afterlife - undead priest
Icedrake- troll mage

used to be in Horde of paragon , the Heartless and Skeletor.

remember a lot of these names for sure , but one is missing……
Catfathers - Played a rogue and mage , miss that kid.


Hahah crazy memory there pal gotta get them calories in on the grind , good as seeing your name and many others man , hands down nicest guy in wow

Ps any word on Ragina / ganache

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Yo buddy :slight_smile:

FYI to all: we actually rerolled to Benediction because a number of former NWTR folks are there as well, now as Impulse to Run. Hope to see you about!

Buckbo troll hunter from daggerspine horde- was in Grim, BYOPS, some others.

Rolled Bigglesworth horde same name.

Where you at GORP?

I remember having a macro for A.V that was /target linolea /cast vipersting

What server you wind up on?

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Hey guys, orc hunter named Thwak in Grim. Also had a family member in Grim who was an orc hunter named Thorn. Funny to see these guild names again.

hey Jaff, Duskshade from Sacred! hope to see you in game. what server are you on?

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are you on fairbanks or what?

i h u n g e r

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The toon was Bopeep, Hello from the land down under Krow!

I’m Zogg. Former Tank of < KHAOS >.

And holder of pictures from all three < KHAOS > Las Vegas raids.

Currently still figuring out what I want to play, but on Kurinaxx. I also have a couple toons on Skeram, but there’s almost always a queue at the times I play, so I’m not certain how much longer I’ll play on there.

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Here representing Imperial Horde! I was the guild founder as Kijuta, unfortunate endings with that guild. I’ll never forget showing up in hordes for world pvp, namely to smite Holy war down, good times.

So many people i really miss, but too many years passed and I can’t remember their names :(. Only ones i easily remember, is the crowd from BYOPS, was really fun playing with that group. They were a solid community for a while that truly cared about having fun with each other. And “Get crit”, i loved playing with those that created the guild, amazing pvpers.

Edited: Also was known as Hades / Angron

Your name rings a bell to me. I’m pretty sure I was Réquiem as well. I led the guild’s BWL raids, from Razorgore up to Nefarion, though we never finished him.

Aardvarki, Undead Priest. Always insisted on Spirit and +Healing over Int.

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