Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

Bron–you have access to the old forums? You wouldn’t by chance be able to dig up Spiritwolf’s application? I don’t remember the content but I do remember finding it so funny that it caused me actual physical pain.

Hey amp, good to see you about.

I will be on Thalnos server.

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Linolea here. I played Linolea. I recognize so many names I here. I’m probably playing filthy alliance, but I still hope to see lots of you ingame.

Feel free to add me whether or not we’re on the same server! Linolea#1577


Ruggedo here. Tauren warrior. Started in Void Legion. Joined NWTR and played through the first couple BWL clears. Did some time with stabface/xav in easymode as a dwarf priest. Then stopped playing. Ruggedo#11104

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I remember you from SoH. I played a priest named Syrup.

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Haha I remember you :slight_smile: good times

Exempt from Grim / BYOPS / GAME OVER MAN here just saying hey!

Any Get Crit / BYOPS peeps still around?


Hah! What’s up Mort?!

Nebs! Who else from KHAOS is playing on the same server?

Rhebus#1954 here. KHAOS/Sacred/Pyre - UD Rogue. May not play, but what a SICK chance to catch up with people this thread is, oh my lord.

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Exempt!!! Dude! add me on bnet Glovik#1987 !!!

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Rotting Bear Carcass LFM!

oh man, reading his name just brought back memories.

Hi, I’m Malavise and i’m an addict. I mostly healed your 5mans and BGs under ForceXR in the beginning. When ForceXR collapsed from drama and Shinsei went on to be Warlock CO of Requiem and Beta* went on to be Mage CO of Sacred, I went to heal for FTK (Hi Badger!). all things that happened pre-naxx.
Seeing all your names is wonderful.

ForceXR (Guild lead)
Furniture that Kills

Rolling on Blaumeux with a few friends from old ForceXR, and maybe Wyndhammer if i pull on him a bit more. If you started a character there say hi, i’ll be “Malavise” an undead priest this time. PsyKrow#1898

*Beta, aka Rabidbeta his rogue, I don’t recall his mage’s name.

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Zephi UD rogue checking in. Raided with khaos through mc and zg and a bit of bwl. Remember playing with nebels moravich, bashaw, toofer, off the top of my head.Good times. Ended up rage quiting the game and guild. I was late to a bwl run so they brought in a backup needless to say dragonfang blade finally dropped and I had pretty much saved all my dkp from the past few months specifically for that but they ended up giving it to the backup since no one else wanted to go for it. Lost my sht and quit the game until wotlk. :stuck_out_tongue:


Rich, are you going to recreate the greatest and most iconic guild in WoW history, “Tasty Boys”?

Will the muffin tabard strike fear in the hearts of foes once more?


Question? What would edgecrusher do?

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<3 Now i feel so warm inside seeing your name again buddy

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Baconiclore - scrublord UD Mage that played with Catastrophic/KHAOS, constantly getting my back blown out by Toofer in dps. Crazy seeing the old names again. Going to roll a priest on a pvp server, but not sure where. Trying to get Darkomen to roll classic so he can go crazy about not getting healed.