Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

Hi, everyone! Chrysalid checking in!

I came to Daggerspine towards the later half of Vanilla w/the Pyre transfer. I was in a few guilds during my time on Daggerspine (I see a lot of familiar names here), though I spent most of my time in the guild Kim Squad. I mostly played with some real life friends (Rowin, Troubled and Cooloroonie), as well as the Umps.

I put Chrysalid on the shelf towards the middle of WoTLK and have played Paladin ever since, though I am looking to role Warlock again for Classic!

Rowin, Cooloroonie and myself plan on rolling on the Herod server.

See you all on Monday!

Checking in!

So I saw a few posts from former guildmates and friends here! Hello!

I played Targonis, one of the more well known Tauren Shamans on the server. I was an officer in South of Heaven when we are clearing current content from MC to AQ40.

I’ll be coming back for Classic on Mankrik Horde as a Druid this time so feel free to drop me a line Targonis#1259. This was quite the trip down memory lane.

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Hallucinosis, former GM of Unfortunate Consequences, subsequent member of NWTR, and currently old man, divorced (on good terms) with a 6 year old son. I’m terrible with names, but in spite of that, I see so many former guild mates and familiar faces. I hope you all are doing well. <3


I didn’t imagine DEVJIN would make it to 2019. That’s crazy. Hallucinosis#1405.

WTF healers!


We are both playing FFXIV pretty heavily atm but I’m sure he will be back for Classic. People in that game are too nice. It’s hard to be a cockbag and not feel terrible about it. All us people who play wow are scum, so it’s fine.

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Hey guys, how is everyone?
This is Fukan, not sure if you guys recognize my name, I mostly did pvp but raided frequently early on in MC with KHAOS as like the 8th back up tank lmao

haha wow… whats up dude!? We have a good group of ex-UC rolling Horde on Fairbanks! Join us!! Where’s Daeter at?

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I remember you well Hal! You guys were the first guild to take me in :slight_smile:

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Yo! I’ll be alliance to play a pally. :slight_smile: I’ll see you in stv :wink:

Amazing old pics stabby. I’m sure we will see you around in BGs - no frostbolts or iceblocks for me this time around though.

I still have fond memories of all our Lib-aranged 3s and 5s back in the day, kiting folks around as frost while you killed them. Or grinding Rank behind the Guttz pain train!

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Fairbanks. Come on Rich, Alliance is EZmode, try harder.

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h ttps://i.imgur.com/5qL2Gfr.png


Odd seeing a screenshot of NWTR without a single name I recognize. (you excepted, I think?)

Also, dug up these old gems via internet archive, from way back during the dark days of Blackrock: htt ps://imgur.com/a/bxGyvoo

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That screenshot was from TBC after server transfers to Nazjatar. I don’t remember when you stopped playing in Classic, but some of the people in that screenshot definitely played with us in classic on Daggerspine though.

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I recognize some of those names. Sholdak in particular was on Daggerspine before folks came over from Blackrock. He joined when Void Legion merged with NWTR–he was with Snowcrasher, Ruggedo, Deathwish, myself.

One name I’m really missing is Spiritwolf imgur DOT com / a / IQ7FB --probably the most famous member of the server in vanilla. I tried to reach out but the email addy I have is 10 years old and bounced. :disappointed_relieved:


Hey I recognize some names here. I played with NWTR from the start on blackrock but quit/went casual before nwtr moved to daggerspine. Hmm wonder if that shaman totem stacking bug still works in classic.

Nurd, Morticos, and I waited in line at the Frys on launch day heh.

Dunno if I’ll play but if I do I’ll hit some of you up.


Videoguy here. Troll mage formerly of catastrophic.
Probably gonna play oceanic but thought I’d say hey.


damn Qujo! That’s an old one. I have a screenshot directory of me using the totem stacking bug…what a glorious time