Daggerspine Horde Reconnections

I don remember u. Nobody dus. Queit urself s0n

imgur dot com /a/BYv3I2Y

screenshots from classic here! some, anyway. I have a lot of friends irl and online that will be on whitemane, so if there’s nwtr horde there, it’ll be like a Holy War / NWTR type of rivalry!


Hey everyone! This is Kophee, the tauren druid. Good to see so many familiar faces from the past :slight_smile: Hope you’re all doing well. Would love to play some classic with you all again! <3



Murr here druid from Grim/Unruly… this thread has been a trip down memory lane just seeing some of your names has the nostalgia hittin hard.

No videogame has been able to compare to how much fun those hour+ crazy competitive bg’s were against HW and apug…
Or when cross realm first came out and we’d scout for full premades to take down with a small crew of heavy hitters + blue geared pugs.

Hoping classic can capture a little bit of the magic of that time.

Will most likely dip my toes into the Aussie PVP server but if enough of the ol’ undefeated WSG crew roll somewhere I’d be tempted to play through 200 ping all over again #nochanges



Definitely remember going up against Bombur in WSG all the time.

Anyone from NoHunters/Catastrophic/KHAOS thinking of going Whitemane? I’m gonna roll priest main over there and bring back Dotto as a warlock alt.

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Dude, I’ve added you on bnet - Ant#12893.

Shardwhor/shardless - undead warlock, from z special.

Deathwish here again, sounds like a lot are going to Whitemane, I’ll probably go wherever Maarioh goes. Planning to try warrior this time. I won’t be able to nolife it as much but will def be raiding. Look forward to seeing some old faces.

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Titus, what was your name? I’m guessing you were in the alliance guild I forget the name of it, Caelestis or something like that

I was in Archons. Zwieldin - Tauren Hunter. Things are starting to come back and i remember a lot of the names off of those images!

I was in Archons for a lot of BWL. Zwieldin - Tauren Hunter. Ive forgotten so many names except for USDA

Really trying to dust off the cobwebs! I think i remember you and Inuyasha now

Hey Teuf, I’ve sometimes wondered what happened to you. Maybe I’ll see you about–I plan on rolling on Whitemane Best.

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‘Lap’ – Now, that’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time. A long time. :smiley: Hope to see you about duder.

Sweet I’m in one of those! Proof that I did exist!

I checked my old computer last night, but no sign of any screenshots. Alas! I did find a couple pics from the time Teuf and I visited Dizzident IRL.

The current NWTR server situation seems to be:
Whitemane: Morticos, Maariohh, Deathwish and others - Horde, Stabface - Alliance
Fairbanks: Neuth
Grobbulus: Kapu
Unknown / undecided: Teufel, Bron, Keirathi, everyone else :wink:

Seem about right? Dizz doubts he will play at launch, might pop in at some point. A quote: “Tell those f—ers they better start working on their Onyxia keys!”


Tell those f—ers they better start working on their Onyxia keys!



Longshot but does anyone happen to know Badrock / Thickburger or Salinger from the dark days?

See y’all on Fairbanks :+1::+1:

Manhands checking in. Will be playing alliance with a few other UC folks.

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Devjin AND BAMZOR! It’s rich, Manhands. Hi from Zcutey.


Damn. That’s a name I haven’t seen in a while. What server you on? I’ll have to play on an Australian one but I might check in.


Not sure yet, but def playing alliance. Is Cam coming back too? Add me on bnet paperplate#11894