Daelin Proudmoore was right about the horde

I agree with most of the points, but this is not accurate. It has been awhile since I have done the quest and it is only available during the Alliance Assault on Zandalar event.

If I am recalling correctly, you swipe an egg/some eggs from nests. Power up the ritual by slaying other raptors and t-rexes, then corrupt the egg/eggs into the Void T-Rex.

It really comes off as a reverse ritual from the badlands that brought about Wrathion as an uncorrupted Black Dragon.

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And if they did it well, they would have made something of the fact that it was the Alliance that broke that treaty due to falling for the Legion’s trick. But no, for some reason it’s presented as a valid point that the Alliance was angry at the horde for basically saving their butts on the Broken shore by sounding a retreat when they realized it was a trap.


Yes, but also no. Sylvanas clearly had autonomy here. Garrosh said no Blight. She used it anyway. Garrosh said stop raising icky undead. She raised them anyway. Garrosh wanted a port city. Sylvanas pushed well past that goal of Hilneas, through Hillsbrad, and into Arathi.

Garrosh had blame to be sure. But Dylvanas clearly has some too, and Gilneas is among it.

Besides, “just following orders” only works for the Horde when they also have a rebellion and promise to be good after.

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Not saying she’s innocent or anything. But what I never understood is, Lordaeron itself has a literal shipyard. Because where else were the forsaken hiding their ships? Why would Garrosh need another one? With Quel’thalas also in the eastern kingdoms, that you know, also has a shipyard . :wolf:


AU Azeroth expansion when?

Genn has to relive the fall of his Kingdom as Dylvanas lays siege. Will his AU self, Henn, be able to save his beloved son Qiam?


I’ll admit my memory is sketchy on the details, but I think you’re right.


I’d still hesitate to call it dark. Shoving energy into a beast to make it kill for you? Also not new or unusual. The fact it’s void might kick it to grey, but… I mean warlocks exist as a playable class. We’ve mutated animals in horrific experiments for any goblin or gnome who asks. We burn or blow up egg nests on the regular.

On Azeroth, void-dino is only slightly outside the norm.


I’m typing on my phone at work, Aski!!

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Well … as of Chronicles, she did.

(side-eyes Alex Afrasiabi because that was one of the many retcons on his watch)


The myserious Forsaken Shipyard presumably exists somewhere along the Tirisfal coast in lore (though obviously not in-game) and Garry likely wanted one closer to Stormwind as a staging ground for attacks. It makes a sort of sense; Gilneas is not only closer, but any Forsaken ships would have to sail past Gilneas anyway, and Gilneas as a port could aid in blockading Menethil Harbor, and all of Hillsbrad and Arathi.

But it makes more sense if Garrosh wanted a shipyard and Sylvanas was like “well, Gilneas happens to have one, so…” Because if Sylvanas is planning to control Hillsbrad (which she was and did) through Silverpine, then Gilneas really does have to go; it’s sat right on the edge of both, has oceanic access for bringing in support, and is already hostile to the Forsaken. The Cataclysm weakened Gilneas, so why not swoop in and smash whatever’s left? More territory, more potential bodies for raising, Garrosh’s shipyard, one less enemy in the region, and a potential buffer against an Alliance attack from Stormwind or Ironforge against the Undercity.

Of course, none of this worked out. But it does make more sense that way.


Does anyone know who Afrasiabi’s favorite WoW character/s was? We know Danuser and Kosak are/were Sylvanas stans (to put it politely). Metzen has Thrall, but dialed back the favoritism while still keeping his regard for the character. I think Kilgore’s or Hazzikostas’ was Illidan, but I could be wrong.

You mispelled Malfurion. You know, the character he’s gone on record saying is his favorite.


Gee, it’s almost like those races were assigned to the wrong faction.

I think so too-- though victim bat doesn’t bother me as much as villain bat.

I genuinely want to see a worgen schism.

Screw afraisabi, all my homies hate afraisabi.

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Tbh, I don’t think they belong in either faction.

Sure. Neither did the Forsaken really. But in our two-party system, they still assigned all the elves to the wrong sides.

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That does not sound like the Alliance! Like at all! Like it or not the Alliance were always the group who did not care about expansionism(with maybe the only exception being Lordearon but that is a whole other box of wrosm). Also, do you really think Jaina, Magni or even Varian would be all into wiping out entire encampments, including children. These are the same people who VOTE TO SPARE the Horde.

Alot of things in the modern Alliance dont align with it thematically anymore. Heck, the draenei were literal demons. Worgens still have some feral bite to them while still trying to keep their humanity, the dark iron are in a state of trying to clean up their act.

Oh please, the Horde fans arguable do something worse and claim that Taurajo is a justification for everything bad that happens to the Alliance(even though Hawthorne tried his best to keep civilian casualities to a minumum as oppose to whatever the hell Garrosh/Sylvanas wanted)

I really adore the idea of the worgen and forsaken being allies, a snarky relationship where both sides are likely fight each and their enemies at the same time :wolf:

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Regarding Alliance expansionism; it’s already present as of Exploring Kalimdor. They’re rebuilding the base in Durotar, for the exact reasons I’m describing. But I agree, it wouldn’t make sense for this to be an Anduin-sanctioned act. More like the actions of a faction within the Alliance.

Again, as pointed out in my original post, the hypothetical example was something I came up with over the course of one minute to debunk the idea that an Alliance doing villainous things requires making the Horde a victim. It doesn’t need to be the case at all. And it doesn’t even need to be about the Alliance vs the Horde.


The Dwarves were expantionist in vanilla.
And the Alliance has to be more proactive in its own defences and interests.
Right now Alliance just feeds its own people into the horde meatgrinder until the Horde realizes for the nth time that killing. Is bad :scream:!!!
Its an alliance for protection, whats the point if it fails this basic function?