Daelin Proudmoore was right about the horde

You know as well as I that this “thanks for helping” is the only resolution that will be granted. There is nothing else coming and Blizzard will be hiding behind “oh this story is still going” to ever give us a conclusion.
Its why we still have people like you saying things like

Honestly. At this point? Who cares?
We already know Sylvanas willingly jumps into the maw to search for Nathanos.
We know the conclusion. How we get there isn’t really relevant.


If you can’t see how this is the first stepping stone to the eventual dissolution of the factions, I can’t help you.

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Or as mentioned they are not going to disolve the factions(the fact they themselves are being careful in what they do because they wont be able to reverse it). At least not story wise and the devs realize they still want the factions to play a part in the story.

Not everything is as black and white as you think it is.


It’s Blue and Red apparently.

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Well, we didn’t see the 30 years that went into making the Iron Horde. A lot can happen over that period of time. That’s sort of one of the problems with it.

He was no longer a friend after the Battle for Darkshore.
Or have you forgotten all their interactions since then?

Some of this is the same leaders were still in charge. Alliance-side you get a good look at how Grommash and Garrosh work Ner’zhul over in to going off the deep end.

They likely had no issues with Blackhand and Kargath getting on board. They likely didn’'t bother much with Durotan cause Garrosh knew he would be out.

This would have made for a good novel set between War Crimes and WOD Launch. The backstory of the iron Horde forming is the type of stuff that should be in a book cause it would be way too much Robocat to put in the game.

I still hate to this day they didn’t have Jaina go through the Portal to Draenor and then hijack the Darl Portal to travel to AU Azeroth to recruit the various powers there to invade Draenor as reinforcements.

That would have assisted in the Movie tie in by showing the Characters WOD didn’t publicize like Anduin Lothar and Llane Wyrnn. We could of also had a younger Cairn Bloodhoof, Vol’jin’s dad, and a living Sylvanas + Alleria representing the High Elves.

Followed that with a patch of the Infinite Dragonflight collapsing the AU timeline.


I mean even she thought of Andiun as a dear friend.

Sylvanas is not some random nobody doing us a favor.


It’s kind of a weird mixed bag, honestly, in terms of Daelin being right or not, because Blizzard has done this tired trope of “we’re fighting, but now we work together” so many times now. The result is that were it not for the times where Daelin was wrong, he wouldn’t have had a chance to be right. Meaning if that Jaina had said ‘he’s right’ and helped to wipe out the nascent Horde, Azeroth would likely have been ruined in short order.

He was wrong in Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath and even Cata, to an extent. He was right in MoP, and then wrong in WoD and Legion, then right again in BfA. And now we’re teetering on him being right still because the factions being united to deal with a threat doesn’t really matter at all.

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I feel like the constant wars between the Alliance and Horde has been more damaging to Azeroth than any big bad we have faced throughout WoW. And eliminating the Horde in WC3, the other races of Azeroth would be stronger and more united to meet the threats as they came.


That’s what I mean by ‘he was sometimes right’. The huge wars between the Horde and Alliance only happened in Cata and MoP, and then BfA. While damaging, those wouldn’t have even had a chance to happen if the Horde had been wiped out in WC3, because the world would likely have ended already.

No Horde after WC3 means no Might of Kalimdor in Vanilla, nor the Blood Elves joining the Horde in TBC. Meaning they’d likely all stick with Kael’thas or had less support to resist, meaning Kil’jaeden likely gets summoned entirely. Also means no Thrall in Cata, meaning no World Shaman, so Deathwing wins.

It wasn’t until MoP that total war really hit and became the focus, but without that prior working together, things wouldn’t have gotten that far.

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I don’t believe that.

Why not? It would just be Kaldorei lead instead of orc lead. The threat would exist, and instead of needing to unify to deal with it, there would already be unity when it happened.

They would probably join the Alliance, again, more unity instead of division.

I don’t think Thrall did anything that couldn’t be accomplished by Malfurion.

Total War, but surely there was damage done by the Horde. Hell, as early as Vanilla, the Forsaken were corrupting Ashenvale with blight. Thrall couldn’t prevent the Warsong from raiding Ashenvale Forest. He couldn’t reign in the Forsaken from capturing and torturing humans from Hillsbrad.

I just don’t think it is a for-sure thing that Azeroth couldn’t have survived without the Horde.


I don’t think there is any possibility of Blizzard dropping factions. OTOH, they could add a third faction. That would do a lot to break up a binary “us good, you bad” meme.

Of course it would also help if Blizzard just stopped villain batting the Horde.


Nomi: …Why is everyone looking at me? WHY?


Why are you replying to me? I didn’t suggest that Tyrande simply forgives Sylvanas. I think her dialogue is towards the Horde player and not Sylvanas, nor in relation to what was done for Anduin (lol). But I have no faith in the writers and am ready to be shocked.

I was talking about the relation between Tyrande and Anduin, which deteriorated heavily after Darkshore, to the point of Tyrande calling him naive and a fool, and chastising him for not aiding the night elves and signing a peace treaty after all that transpired. She even stopped responding to his letters.
I highly doubt she considers him a “friend” at this point, (especially a close one as Zerde likes to push) even if obligated to treat him as an ally.


Honestly Tyrande was right and I agree with her on this. I actually liked how at least she spoke up because Anduin quite literally failed the night elves and her as a whole


It’s also kind of sad that the only one with a spine who actually did anything to help the night elves were Genn and the Worgen. Even Ivar Bloodfang and his pack pitched in to fight the horde.

If I was Tyrande, I would’ve considered pulling the kaldorei from the alliance, since the alliance failed them when they needed their allies the most.


Varian would literally be disappointed in Anduin if he was actually alive. And I honestly believe slyvanas took advantage of Anduin naive self. All the more reason this redemption is not deserved


They seem to be afraid to really portray much internal Alliance political drama, which is a shame as it opens up a lot of opportunities for stuff to happen that doesn’t fall into the tired cycle they keep taking us through.


Yeah, but why do that when you can just not, complain the Alliance is hard to write for because they are immune to tension, dump more elves into the Horde, then have a Warchief and half the remaining icons die off in a storyline that is (nearly) universally hated?