Daelin Proudmoore was right about the horde

And what exactly do you think I want? Because right now all I want is we move past SL and that the Alliance at least ends up stronger for the debacle. And I do not expect the night elves to leave it. If anything I expect they will trying to strengthen their ties to it(heck at the very least Tyrande seems to maintain her close relationship/about to mend said relationship with Anduin, especially considering she thanked Sylvanas for saving him)

Well, considered you go rabid anytime anyone mentions something negative about the Alliance, or the dissolution of the factions, I assume you want a continuation of the faction conflict and for the Alliance to win.

You do not need to recount the horrid story telling of SL to me. The role the Night Elves played in the story is the primary reason I no longer play, aside from the occasional spell in Classic. It is not the big “I Win” button you think it is.

The fact remains that Blizzard is slowly moving away from the faction divide, and over time, I suspect the factions won’t mean much more than a callback to WoW’s history.


This is sensical to you? Is it good story telling? Considering all the issues from before and now this is the conclusion? She is not a real person so “even tyrande…” statement makes no sense, its the writers trying to telegraph to us something and that something is extremely dumb.


Usually I’m not prone to such things, but someone in this thread typo’d wanton destruction as wonton destruction and that is genuinely delightful.

…anyway, I would throw a lot of that at Kosak, who wrote characters with all the nuance and subtlety of a 15 ton wrecking ball. A lot of the most egregious examples of Alliance as an afterthought, and when they’re thought of, they’re wringing their hands over what the dastardly (insert antagonist here but usually the Horde) did. Off camera. Hero, pick up the pieces, but not enough to resolve the situation or hit back.

Anyway, I don’t think the narrative intent is actually to teach us all the lesson that orcs are terrible and there is no coexisting with them or those who work with them… but to do that, the narrative really needs to pump the brakes on the easily bamboozled and always ready to punch the guy standing next to them for minimal provocation angle the orcs have been saddled with for most of the expacks since Cata.


Just because I want to continue the factions doesnt mean I want the faction conflict to continue, at the very least not right now. Also, pretty sure the Alliance “won” in that the Horde got absolutely nothing from this war and the Alliance is probably more secure then ever.

And I think you will be wrong. The factions are suppose to represent more then just being created to butt head with the other faction.

I also suspect if WoW ever ends the two factions will still exist(see Velen’s vision)

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Ultimately we still dont know what will happen to Sylvanas(although I am not particularly hopeful especially with the last two cinematics) having said that, it was an acknowledged that Sylvanas did something good for a change. It was not Tyrande going “I forgive you” it was just a thanks for saving someone she cared about, nothing more and nothing less.

She doesn’t care about anduin more than her people. Unless you are implying she should? And that would be good story?

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Nice how you needed to throw that in there.

“I don’t want the faction war to continue… But so everyone knows, the Alliance won the last one. Not that it matters. But it totally does.”

That’s you… That’s how you talk.

Like Imperialism vs Tribal Stratocracy? Or the segregation of Ethno-states?


And? I have never once hidden my Alliance partisanship.

More like the Alliance has always been a about stoicism/order. The Horde has always been more chaotic/passionate(maybe too passionate at time)

She cares about Anduin as a friend and I am implying she is still thanksful he is safe:

She stared at the hearthstone for a moment, then slowly reached to accept it. Then Tyrande Whisperwind gave him a soft, luminous smile. “I will do this, King Anduin Wrynn. And we will mark this moment as the beginning of that battle.”

She bent and kissed him softly on the cheek, then stepped through the portal to Darnassus.

Wow, that’s deep, bro

There is nothing stoic about the Night Elves or Void Elves. Or chaotic about the Bleed elves and Highborne. So, that interpretation isnt universal.


Yes because you being bitter 24/7 is so much better.

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Yes, how dare I be unsatisfied with the story Blizzard hard given me. How dare I reject the story you want to force onto me.


Let us take a moment to acknowledge a writer actually remembering night elves are taller and larger than humans.


I cant “force” anything. This is Blizzard story and while I certainly have plenty of things I dont like about the story I am also pretty realitic with what I think will happen/asking for things that can still happen.

Asking for unreasonable/unlikely things like the factions desolving means you will likely never get whatever cathasis you are looking for from WoW’s story.

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I mean… it is already happening, and it has been something WoW players have wanted for years. And you call me the bitter one? lol

And elves seem to shrink when they evolve its weird but kind of cool


Except the factions still exist. Both lorewise and gamewise(and not everyone wants the factions desolved, but they do want a solution to the faction imbalance). Maybe someday it might be removed, but that day is not today. So keep dreaming, maybe you will get your dream someday. Or not.

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How about neither? Neither is good.


But Blizzard has already begun the process of dissolving faction segregation.

There are likely those who have read this far with some unease, worried that this is chipping away at a foundational principle of Warcraft. At BlizzCon in 2019, when an attendee asked about cross-faction play, we responded at the time that “Alliance and Horde separation … is a pillar of what makes Warcraft, Warcraft.” But upon reflection, that’s an oversimplification: Alliance and Horde identity is what is fundamental to Warcraft. And while at times that identity has been one of division and open conflict, we’ve seen Alliance and Horde finding common ground and working together ever since Warcraft III (notably including the last time a Warcraft chapter was named “Eternity’s End” …), and the instances of cooperation in World of Warcraft itself are too numerous to count.

We’re hopeful that these changes will serve to actually strengthen faction identity by allowing more players to play the faction whose values, aesthetic, and characters they find more compelling, rather than feeling forced to choose between their personal preference and the ability to play with friends.

Disolve the faction segregation? Yes. Disolve the factions? The devs are saying, no that is not their goal with this.

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