Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

Sure, there was no personal agency involved and everything is cool now because the orcs that got stuck on azeroth were put into camps instead of eradicated. The alliance are of course the real bad guys.


I’d reason that the moment that young or newborn orcs were in the camps, it became less of a detention situation for war crimes, and more of an internment camp allegory to the US’ own history.

Yeah how dare the alliance feed, clothe and shelter the genocidal aliens that invaded their planet, slaughtered their people and destroyed their kingdoms.

What would have been your solution? Separate the young from their parents? Or to let the invaders who genocided humans off scot-free?

Okay, now I see why this thread got reported.

It’s a breakdown of how you can justify a genocide, using a fictional scenario.

I think you’re off the deep end here.

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The orcs were the ones who committed genocide.

As a merciful human I am ok with sending them all back to Outlands.

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you never know it could start up at any second!

At this point, who hasn’t on Azeroth?

Justifications of raiding civilian settlements; justifications of internment not just of surviving prisoners of war (expected) but the youth who likely never participated (“sins of the father”); accusations of blind following (assuming the whole is always a monolith)…

Also the language used just… oh god it parallels some really, really bad things.

it’s just a game. it’s fiction.

(It’s fictional bud)

But how would you have punished the Orcs who committed genocide? If prison is too cruel for murderers what is your solution?

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Fiction, yes, but too often have I seen parallels made between both that seriously blur the line between fictional RP and real-world views being brought over.

Did you not see my point about “sins of the father”? Is the Alliance justified in keeping Thrall a prisoner and raising him in internment even though he had not fought in the First or Second Wars? What of any other young orc in the same situation?

The moment you imprison or kill someone who has never taken up arms, you are the bad guy.

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they were a different species and humans didn’t know if they were inherently violent or hostile or not. it’s like if aliens invaded earth.


What to do with the orcs was a no-win scenario no matter what the Alliance did. They had to be stopped. The Allianace didn’t know about the demon blood. So I can’t say putting them in basically POW camps instead of exterminating them was the wrong move. But yeah, the person above me said once kids were born in the camps, something should’ve been done.

Someone should’ve said “um, guys, the babies and children in the camps weren’t even born when the war happened, maybe we should try to figure out what to do”.


It is easy to judge but you have not offered a single solution.

What should the alliance have done? Separated the young Orcs from their parents? Every adult Orc who walked through the dark portal was an enemy soldier and alien invader.


Treat them as any adult once they come of age, ensure they are treated well and taught before that, and offer the choice of remaining or leaving once of age.

I’ve already rightly addressed the adult ones who fought as being treated as prisoners of war.


Sure. It was pretty awful to keep orc kids in internment camps.

Don’t personally see that as “okay we’re equal now” even though I agree.

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Yep, it’s a complex issue and there is no easy solution, but “keep all the orcs in camps forever even their descendants because we don’t know what to do” was definitely wrong. People should only be responsible for crimes THEY commit. Once it was clear the orcs could not go back home, there should’ve been some sort of rehabilitation program/conditional release depending on actual crimes and behavior on an individual basis. I’m not going to say they should’ve taken the demon blood into account, because noone knew about that until after Thrall had already liberated the camps anyway.

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It was less than ten years.

I was on a PVP server from the day the game came out, to the day warmode was created. That’s all I needed.

That said, game would still be better if it was mandatory and crossed all kinds of decent boundaries, today’s narrative direction is boring AF.


Good for you. That’s not everyone though.

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