Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

Is this the roleplaying forums now?

Anyway, TUH! Rude!

No because the Orcs were gonna Orc no matter what. Even without demon corruption the Orcs were going to invade Azeroth as shown in WoD.

I suggest googling the troll wars, humans didn’t start that one either bud.


That was last generational Orcs, this is akin to STILL blaming the Germans and the Japs for WW2 and to continue to oppress these nations today.

Does it make sense?


The orcs genocided the Draenei and invaded Azeroth roughly 40 years ago in the WoW timeline. In that short time they have launched multiple wars, destroyed countless cities and scarred Azeorth forever. Generation after generation of Horde continue to commit atrocities, most recently being the terrorist attack on Teldrassil a few short years ago resulting in the brutal slaughter of women and children.

The horde will never change. Peace is an aberration of their nature.

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Do people think he’s a villain?

Exactly! The group of orcs that Daelin wanted to kill, contained a lot of orcs that weren’t even born yet when the 1st and 2nd wars happened (or were children during them), and had no part in it.


The orcs Daelin wanted to kill would later take part in the destruction of Theramore, Pandaria, Teldrassil, etc.


Yawn. The faction war is over boomer. :-p


And I’d happily kill him again. The only good bigot is a dead bigot. He was the aggressor, and his men are the reason that Orgrimmar was facing casualties over and over again into Cata, when the Alliance decided to occupy the fort Daelin Proudmoore’s fleet built.

There won’t be anything that will ever allow our existence in minds like yours. As if your leaders, your factions, are bastions of honor and integrity.

Where were the alliance forces during the burning of teldrassil? Out playing war when you knew what Sylvanas had planned. Don’t forget - we’ve fought with you against those very same despots you decry. They only gain power because of the dire straits YOU put us in.

The Horde is strong. We will live on, and endure, and fight for our homes and families. We will fight with honor, for true Justice,
Unlike you hypocrites.

You already admitted that you’ve slaughtered children

It’s becoming a bit insulting to everyone’s collective intelligence, that ur still here runnin’ ya mouth. Baby killers got no legs to stand on, pal. And that high horse ur somehow still straddlin’, is a skeleton no Death Knight or Lich Ling can bring back from the dead.

Your very existence is clear justification for every action Thrall’s Horde has taken. You and ur hero Daelin are a self-fulling prophecy, friend.

Thrall had nothing to do wit the First War. His interactions wit humans in the first half of his life, were overwhelmingly negative.

And despite all that; he was still willing to broker peace wit humans. In spite of Daelin mucking things up, he was still not looking for smoke.

You, and anybody that thinks like you- you’re the bad guy.

In fact, ur startin’ to give off some real dreadlord energy right about now.

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IIRC they didn’t even get pushed out until Stormwind came in and just decided to snap up a ton of Gurubashi land and nuke the relatively reasonable then-Gurubashi leader.

Por que no los dos?

All of the races have had evil people in them. For every Garrosh, there’s a Garithos. For every evil organization within the Horde, there’s a Defias Brotherhood. Also keep in mind, a lot of the current Horde/Alliance tensions after Thrall tried to broker piece with Varian before WOW even started, were started by Onyxia. Do the human heritage armor quest, she was outright mind controlling both sides to get the Defias going.

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I don’t think Onyxia had anything to do with things like razing Stormwind to the ground and annihilating a significant portion of its population, burning half of Quel’Thalas to the ground or torching Teldrassil to name a few, and I don’t recall the Defias committing literal genocide. The whole completely destroying and enslaving an entire species was at least retconned because a writer literally forgot the orcs did that too.

But okay. Both sides are bad.

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Who brought those orcs to azeroth and puppeteered them?

And even if you cop out and use his possession as an excuse, who was it who used Medivh as a tool for mass murder and caused him to fall?

The orcs would have invaded Azeroth no matter what, as shown in WoD.

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…you’re making me blush.


I always find this kind of stuff to be so silly. Reminds me of the people that are accused of being xenophobes because they play a human army in WH 40k. Just people that can’t separate reality and fantasy and think that any fantasy interest overlaps with real world views.

It’s kind of a new version of the “violent video games lead to real world violence” panic except replacing violence with racial conflict.


People mass reporting a legitimate post just because they don’t agree with it is pathetic.

They should be banned for abusing the report function.


Someone decided that he needed a shivving, so yes, he did do something wrong.