Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

Reminder that Jaina was directly responsible for the deaths of everybody in Theramore because she prevented her dad from stopping the Horde threat in its tracks by murdering him.


enters thread
its a HMP faction bait thread
leaves thread


To be fair he was being controlled by the Lich King.

Which, at the time, was an orc.


i think you meant to type female Human paladin, right? we help add awesomeness. Yeah?

He was just a dude, being controlled by another dude, controlled by a dude.


Well a Human did open the portal that started the mess to begin with


a titan possessed that human to make him do it though

sargeras to aegwynn:

So if we use that as a justification to excuse the behavior then we have to forgive the Orcs too


hmm… dang this is complicated
i am not gonna judge i am just gonna leave
have a nice thread


Or just join us at the bar where we all hang out instead of 20 years of fighting :sob:

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i’m scared of people
i could try to fit in at the bar but i’d probably feel like an outcast and maybe get bullied

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I f’ing love it.

  • Thrall is born a slave.
  • Escapes slavery and discovers his people are basically in Fel withdrawl for the most part.
  • Emancipates them from his former master (who had intended to use them to conquer the other alliance nations).
  • Then procedes to get a bunch of boats to cross the ocean to get as far as possible from humans.
  • Puts down the demon that twisted his people alongside Grom who redeems himself.
  • Thrall then proceeds to help stop Archimonde from bringing the legion to Azeroth in force alongside Tyrande and Jaina Proudmoor.

Then Daelin shows up (after having failed to do anything to help either continent in the face of calamity) and mansplains to his daughter how evil the orcs are and that’s why he just has to pick a fight with them.

OP is either the most obvious troll of all time OR his brain is so smooth it’s actually a perfect sphere.


i thought daelin came before they fought archimonde? i haven’t played war3 in a long time.

Nope. It happens after the fact during the events of frozen throne. I remember because it’s the Rexxar story campaign that was more like an RPG then a RTS.


oh. my bad. i guess that makes him the bad guy then.
kind of depressing because i identified with him.

That’s the thing with Daelin: when you strip away his self righteousness you realize the man was a putz.


Since we are playing this card, can I bring up the Humans being Colonials who murders trolls and stole their land?


Daelin usurped the leader of a sovereign human city, placed it under martial law, and virtually enslaved its people, forcing them to support his war despite their own desire to abide by the treaty their leaders had signed. If Jaina had half a spine she would’ve frozen him on the spot for his temerity and we wouldn’t have needed to even hear his pathetic attempt at justifying his tyranny.

In fairness to the humans, murdering trolls and stealing their land is also a common trollish pastime. How did you think the Darkspear ended up on that island way out in the middle of nowhere?


It isn’t.
One is real, one is fake. One is reality, one is confined to fantasy.
Claiming the fake one promotes that kind of behavior irl is no different at all from claiming violent video games promote violence irl, and is just as stupid.


i just came in here to say. general rakeesh did NOTHING WRONG. #free rakeesh #justice for general rakeesh!