Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

And it did.

The only liar here is you and your self delusion.
Sylvanas was found out to have been plotting something evil. She got stopped and either she lied to the rest of the Horde about what she doing or kept them stupidly in the dark about her true intention. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

But hey, what else is new with the Horde blindly following one evil entity after another.


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Except everyone had proof that what happened at the Wrathgate was ultimately done by the Legion. Even the horde were victims of that. Or did you just happen to forget that little detail?


Not that I’d be surprised if even that would get changed, but Aszuna being first isn’t necessarily proof of that side quest being done by alliance.

There’s no contradiction if it’s the horde player that finds the journal and turns it in.


Varian openly and unambiguously declared war on the horde, invaded them, and kidnapped thrall lmao

Placing the blame on Garrosh for trying to avoid starvation that was ultimately caused by Alliance actions when Varian was doing worse than him immediately prior is dumb.



No one had proof/didnt know much Sylvanas actually knew about it. To the point even Thrall decided to have Kor’kron replace Sylvanas’ guards.

And as I mentioned the Alliance found out about the foul experiments the Forsaken were doing as well.

I still find weird that Alliance and horde were openly at war during cata towards the end of MOP, yet it isn’t considered the 4th war, that privilege goes to the bfa war that didnt last as long (but apparently had more direct confrontations that led to both factions losing almost all their resources or so i’ve heard)


idk Zerde, a dreadlord launching a coup and attempting to summon Sargeras seems like proof to me. Not to mention that even before the Alliance fight Putress, they find the corpse of a Doomlord (Khanok the Impassable) and several horde soldiers.




Did chronicles retcon Genn saying he had no damn clue what Sylvanas was doing in game?

No it didn’t. Zerde knows that, but he’s a compulsively pathological liar.

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I do like how he also uses a quest that both factions do and hasn’t been confirmed which is canon means the alliance did it, and that the waterlogged book that is barely legible gives them any useful information.

I like how he acts like genn doesn’t outright admit he has nothing to act on.

Wasn’t Varian’s declaration after seeing the Forsaken’s war crimes?

How was the starvation caused by the Alliance’s actions?

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It was after the wrathgate. He blamed the horde who also died at the wrathgate. He was hella dumb.

You’re right, that is dumb. Though he did reel it back and have a cool moment with Saurfang.

“Stand down, Muradin. Let a grieving father pass.”

His best moment in Wrath imo

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Daelin proudmoore magically nuked the jungle in Durotar turning it into the rocky wasteland we know it today (which is only now recovering)

Tyrande told the orcs to go starve to death despite the fact that the orcs were willing to stockpile a massive amount of food and resources for the Silithus campaign when Tyrande went to Saurfang for assistance.

Wait, when did Daelin magically nuke the jungle in Durotar? I don’t remember that happening in Warcraft 3.

it wasen’t magical iirc but he order the entire place deforested not leaving a single tree

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