Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

How? Varian called off peace talks in Wrath after seeing the Forsaken’s war crimes (Garrosh being Garrosh didn’t help either).

Sylvanas started the War of Thorns and the Horde started the Blood War.

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My guess is they are referring to the following

  1. Varian declared war on the Horde in the aftermath of the battle for the undercity. Jaina had to teleport him away before he could launch an attack on the horde leaders present
  2. The Alliance did attack Bilgewater Goblin mining operations in Silithus to try and stop them from harvesting Azerite. This happens before the War of Thorns and could’ve (and most likely should’ve) been used to ‘justify’ the War of Thorns.

instead the war of thorns was justified by genns attack on sylvanas, which was also an unprovoked attack on the horde


Unprovoked? With the changes to Chronicles it is now canon that Aszuna happened before Stormhiem and thus the Alliance had warning/knowledge Sylvanas was up to something. And maybe more important the events of the Broken Shore could be considered a betrayal by the Horde!

Getting hit by Forsaken plague bombs and later realize the Forsaken were committing abominable experiments on Alliance captive would be causi belli enough for war.

yep unprovoked no violent action was done to the alliance so it was infact unprovoked

She was about to get a lantern that was going to enslave a Val’kyr/use said Val’kyr to raise more Alliance corpse, yeah no. The Alliance had no need to tolerate that.

how look at that no violent action still didn’t happaned so still unprovoked

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We could say that of dozens of villains we have killed. That we killed them before they attacked us. Regardless she was a menace and she got deal with accordingly and with any luck she will never darken our doors ever again.

yea, i said unprovoked no just

The learning about her evil plot was the provocation.

No cause no violent action was taken against the alliance

Violent actions are not the only provocations. Threats of future violence/future evil are reason enough for what Genn did. Heck, about 70% of all dungeon/raid bosses fail into this category.

So anyway an unprovoked strike that convinced the horde to fight the war of thorns

Zerde is, as always, lying through his teeth.
I had a direct conversation with Portergauge on this very topic and the only true thing Zerde stated is that Azsuna happened first. Genn and the Alliance did not know why Sylvanas was in Stormheim. Nothing changes from Genn’s unprovoked attack.



We have quest from Aszuna that specially has us get info the Genn.


Sorry, the Alliance did not canonically do it.
Canonically, Genn was attacking Sylvanas completely unprovoked, liar.

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Prove it. It is an ingame quest. The Alliance knew Sylvanas was planning on something, if Anduin didnt suspect she was planning on something malicious he wouldnt have sent the Skyfire at all.

Already done.
The Alliance admits that they don’t have any reason to engage Sylvanas.

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It says they are to track them and engage if the situation demand it. It demanded it and they turned our right because if they didnt the Jailer’s plan would have gone father along.

The Horde was an evil organization under both Garrosh and Sylvanas. It deserved what it got with its leaders being turned into dust/doing eternal community service.

“It had better. I am not in the habit of tracking prey unless I intend on killing it.”
Genn admits he has nothing.
You are, as always, a liar.
Nothing you say has value.