Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

NO IT IS NOT, the only stated genocides are both perpetrated by the Horde and they are the Genocide of the Draenei on Draenor and the Burning of Teldrassil, oh and also Theramore’s Fall (also caused by the Horde). The End.

I’m done with this cheap-buzzword fan-fiction.

nah die mad about it


Not for lack of trying.

h ttps://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Diplomacy_By_Another_Means

I have not forgotten my brush with death at the hands of the quilboar in that filthy jungle. The General here has ordered some tactical strikes, but he stops short of genocide. I have no such qualms.

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Media literacy is in a ditch.

The quest is literally telling you that the general refuses to commit genocide. It’s not that he was attempting to commit genocide, but failed, it’s that he refused to commit genocide categorically.

As a side note, I’m so happy Vol’jin died without doing anything btw, that’s what this playerbase deserves. So, So, SO HAPPY!! :grin:

Tell me you’re over-emotional without telling me you’re over-emotional.

Media literacy is in a ditch. I’m not referring to the general, I’m referring to Ambassador Gaines.


Ambassadors are not in control of anything, and are not capable of doing anything besides negotiating with foreign rulers.

Why would you waste My time talking about an ambassador? The acting general did not want genocide, and since he was the only person with actual power, that is the only thing that matters.

Now, I believe there are some Pandaren left-overs at the Alliance labour camp? :grin:

Other then commanding the Alliance adventurer to strike out at leaders, you mean, like what Gaines did.

Because he’s the Alliance figure that commanded the Alliance adventurer to kill the Quilboar leader?

No there isn’t, the heroic and benevolent Horde saved the Pandaren from the tyrannical and sadistic Alliance. Oh btw, I heard the horde leaders are going to throw a surprise party for Jaina at Theramore, rumor on the wind says its going to be a blast. Oh wait…

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Did the Ambassador commit genocide? No?

Then it’s not relevant, the exchange ends here.

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So as I was saying, in Blizzard’s Canon, the only confirmed genocides in Warcraft history are:

  • The Genocide of the Draenei perpetrated by the Horde on Draenor;

  • The Fall of Theramore perpetrated by the Horde in MoP (confirmed to be a genocide by Taran Zhu in War Crimes);

  • The Burning of Teldrassil perpetrated by the Horde in BfA.

These are the only confirmed genocides in Warcraft. Anything else – worthless fan-fiction, not interested. Ao3 is that way. ----->

Says you.

Taran Zhu has never called Theramore a genocide. This is, using your words, ‘worthless fan-fiction.’ Ao3 is that way. ----->


No but he said that Garrosh is guilty of genocide, therefore, even if not Theramore, Garrosh and the Horde still commit genocide in Cata-MoP.

The Alliance most certainly never committed any genocide, your fake news is exposed and laid bare for all to see.

Mfer unironically uses fake news


You refuse? Why? Are your thoughts that irrelevant?

I assume you’re trying to imply that my suspicion that the 500 armed beings would have been sent there, and that there may be some greater evil pulling the strings is somehow excusing the actions of the 500 armed beings? I never claimed that the 500 armed beings were somehow blameless, and shouldn’t suffer consequence, I just don’t subscribe to the idea that the only appropriate response to mass murder is mass murder.

Nope, sorry. I brought up the comparison to what the Alliance did because you seem to be heavily biased against the Horde and for the Alliance.

I did not say it ironically, and I’m sorry that a meme is so polarizing for you. I was hoping we could be friends too.

In Tirisfal specifically? I’m not certain, but most likely gnolls. Further south though in Elwynn, in addition to gnolls there are kobolds and murlocs that are still actively being hunted and killed. Humanity took up a lot of territory, and we know what kind of dealings they have with those species.

I assumed we weren’t operating in the zero context scenario when you explicitly asked what could excuse their actions.

Well first of all, there’s everyone in the Horde who had nothing to do with the Second War, you know, the tauren, the Darkspear trolls, the orcs who were too young to fight or born during that sixteen year span since. Real sins of the father stuff coming from the good Admiral, and starting a new war because you want vengeance isn’t justifiable.

And don’t be mistaken, Daelin’s cause wasn’t just. He was driven by hatred, claiming to be on the side of justice as he pursued revenge.

Anyway, to address your question about genocide, you can work to atone for genocide, but that doesn’t excuse calling for further genocide. All it proves is you aren’t any better.

The thing is it wasn’t a decade of peace though. While the Alliance and the Horde weren’t actively at war, the Horde were still having to actively defend themselves against native threats like the Quillboar or Centaur, while preparing for invading threats like the Burning Legion or the Scourge.

Also, WoD just rehashed the same problem the orcs had to begin with, that they were manipulated by some extreme circumstances. Instead of demons, they had a time traveling orc slipping across dimensions to manipulate the orcs by telling them much the same thing the demons did, that the Draenei were the source of their problems.

The Stonespire Tribe were driven to genocide by Alliance forces.

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Want to know what he also said? Here, I’ll pull the quote.

“Garrosh Hellscream. You have been charged with war crimes, and crimes
against the very essence of sentient beings of Azeroth, as well as crimes against
Azeroth itself. You are also charged for all acts committed in your name, or by
those with whom you have allied. "

I wonder what the Dragonmaw did on Draenor… :thinking:

The Dragonmaw who are on the Horde? Those Dragonmaws?

Idk, ask Alexstrasza.

You know I said ‘what they did on Draenor’, yes? Either way though, sure. Here’s Alexstrasza’s thoughts on the Orcs, right from War Crimes.

“Thank you, Life-Binder. I regret the necessity to cause you pain,” the
tauren said. As if he means it. “I will be brief. You have suffered greatly at the
hands of the Dragonmaw specifically, and the orcs in general. How do you feel
about them now?

“I have no quarrel with any race on Azeroth,” she replied. “I am the Life
Binder, and even though most of my powers as Aspect have disappeared, my
heart is still the same.

“Do you like them?”
“I love them,” she said simply. Jaina froze, then slowly lifted her head from
her hands. Her eyes were wide and unblinking as she stared, shocked, at the
“Orcs?” said Baine, as if he had read Jaina’s mind. “Who did such terrible
things to you? How could you possibly love them? Do you not cry out for their
destruction? For the destruction, particularly, of Garrosh Hellscream, who
restored them to power?

“Few beings are truly evil,” said Alexstrasza. “And even they are not
necessarily beyond redemption. Change is inherent in life. As long as
something lives, it can grow. It can seek the light, or the darkness. It is only
when it chooses the darkness so completely that life itself is endangered that I
would say there is no hope.

“Thank you.” The tauren inclined his head, then turned to regard
Alexstrasza. “I have a final question. If one of the selfsame orcs who so
tormented you, who killed your children while they were still in the shell,
were to come to you today and ask your forgiveness . . . what would you do?”
The great Life-Binder’s smile was small at first, but it grew. Alexstrasza
looked over to where Go’el and his family were seated, and held his gaze.
When she spoke at last, a light seemed to shine from her, so bright was her
“I would forgive him, of course.” She said it to Baine as if he were a child,
as if it were a simple, obvious answer.
There were no further questions.

TL;DR: She’s fine with them and loves them like all other walks of life.


Don’t care. The Alliance never committed genocide, concession accepted.

I’m done wasting My time talking about the Dragonmaws (?) and Alexstrasza (???) in a thread about Daelin Proudmoore.

“Don’t care”, quote the person who was just proven wrong.

Hey, you’re the one that brought Alexstrasza up in the first place.

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Wow this thread went lopsided and rolled into a ditch I see.

“Rolled into a ditch”? You mean like Vol’jin?

Oh wait… too soon? :grin: