Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

hey blackwayke

if humans weren’t okay with enslaving orcs, how come none of them immediately summoned their armies to defeat lordaeron for enslaving orcs?


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Clearly the orc labor camps is what we call “enhanced war reparations”. The goblins at the PR firm tell me this is what we are going with.

Seriously though, There was no good solution for dealing with the literal alien invaders who very nearly managed exterminate humanity. There were only varying degrees of awful.


The only given alternative to locking up the orcs was the sword. Those were the only two options.

Therefore, the internment camp route was the humanitarian choice.

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it’s refreshing to hear from players about genocide, it reminds me that there isn’t really that much of a difference between us on either side of the faction.

Well, most people on both sides revile it, but there’s people who would revel in it with you. I bet you’d find a lot in common with the people who did want to burn down Teldrassil.

You know, an interesting narrative I’ve seen thrown around a lot lately is the idea that the orcs, and by extension the Horde, are largely just detrimental to Azeroth as a whole, but it occurred to me that isn’t really the case.

The Horde has been just as much a part of fighting off world ending threats and saving Azeroth, or even reality as know we it, as the Alliance. Look at every dungeon and raid in WoW and the Horde is responsible for roughly half of those villains slain and threats ended. In fact many times over the years we’ve gotten confirmation from Blizzard that without the Horde, Azeroth would’ve been lost a long time ago.

It’s the Alliance that has problems with the Horde. Not without reason mind you, but the funny thing is since the start of WoW, both the Horde and Alliance tend to make things better for the denizens of Azeroth. It’s when they’re at war with each other that things get problematic.

The Horde is pretty good at forgiving if you’re in the gang.

Between the two options, internment was certainly the more humane one.

Now let’s discuss how poorly it was handled.


Whoa, you mean… Garrosh and Sylvanas are the EXCEPTIONS to the rule? No Way. According to every single Alliance Player Ever (who can not be wrong about the lore ever because Alliance), they’re the norm carrying on what Blackhand and Gul’dan started.

In all seriousness though, yeah – the New Horde has almost always been a heroic faction; claims made otherwise are just fanfiction.

Daelin Proudmoore was obviously the bad guy in The Founding of Durotar. He just is. That’s the way the narrative presents it. The problem is that the writers since then have decided to retroactively decide that he had a point, or at least just enough of one (genocide is still bad, actually).


Why didn’t the human kingdoms who had just come off of the massive invasion of their planet by demon-blooded monsters muster what was left of their armies to go to war to free the remains of said invading army from their prison camps. That’s what your argument is?

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Slavery is never okay.
Say it with me.
Under absolutely no exceptions is slavery okay.

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Your intonation and style is akin to brain washing. Due to this I’m completely reversing my stance. I’m 100% okay with slavery in WoW now. Actually, it’s immoral to NOT have slaves in the WarCraft setting.

Blech, even typing it out felt icky.

Is that how it went inside the Blizzard writing team? Were there no people or players or staff members who looked at it differently from the beginning? I’ve felt this way since I first played through that campaign. Is it really a retroactive thing? Or is it something else?

What other answer to genocide or attempted genocide is there? Especially repeated attempts?

Your tribe can only tolerate so many raids and incursions before you get sick of burying loved ones and watching your fields burn before you go take care of the problem. Typically one. Sometimes two. And the problem is the tribe that is killing your people and burning your crops.

It’s only natural. At first I tried to keep up the “I like slavery now” charade and talk about killing off the men and taking the women and children as slaves being a natural course if you don’t slaughter them all. But I just can’t bring myself to commit to the slavery bit. Dangit.

The good solution was the one Genn Greymane and Thoras Trollbane wanted. But I can’t expect everyone to jump aboard the genocide train. So I’ll call your comment a fair one.

You’re disgusting. I don’t think interactions with you are worth the time.

When Grom and the lads got to Kalimdor, what did they immediately set about doing? Attacking the Humans that got there first. What did Grom do the entire time Thrall was trying to get up that mountain to see the Oracle? Attacking the Humans.

You bring an armed group of bloodthirsty warriors into a strange land, you are invading it.


What makes you think I get high and mighty over anything? How many Night Elf settlements did Jaina’s forces chop down? How many Sentinels did they kill? Were they invaders? Yes. Were they as belligerent as the Orcs? No. Except towards the Orcs of course.

Daelin Proudmoore was right to attempt to wipe out the Horde threat. King Terenas and Archmage Antonidas were wrong to spare the Orcs. It is in the past and there is no going back. We’re just arguing over interpretations of history in a game world folks. Simmer down.

Uhm, you do realize that the only other alternative given by the story was the sword, right?

Your fan-fiction is cute, unfortunately the Story disagrees. The Alliance objectively took the humanitarian route.


Night Elves are humans now?

The text itself disagrees. Daelin is the villain. He is not the hero. He lost himself to vengeance, as did Arthas and Maiev. Hence why it is one of the themes of WC3. The fact that you think he is the hero of the Founding of Durator story means you failed to understand what the story is actually saying.

Uther the Lightbringer: Remember, Arthas, we are paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the orcs.


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Did you not play WC3 or what?

h ttps://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Cry_of_the_Warsong_(WC3_Orc)

Literally the whole reason why Grommash went to Ashenvale to collect lumber is because Thrall banished him to such a trivial task as punishment for attacking the Humans against his direct orders.

Play WC3.

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I don’t think this is the gotcha you think it is. Justinium said the entire time Thrall was trying to see the Oracle, which includes the missions that Grom was in ashenvale. As Medivh reveals that the Warsong Clan has been claimed by the Legion when Thrall and Jaina reach him. Then again, a MHP failing at comprehension is a given.


Which includes that mission I just linked where Grommash attacked the Humans against Thrall’s direct orders, which got him banished to lumber duty.

It really isn’t complicated to understand.

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Again, it is not the gotcha you think it is. Grom only attacked the humans once. And that is in that very mission. Compared to the two he was fighting the Night Elves.

Yeah, and that “once” was one too many times already, which is why he and his savages were relegated to lumber duty. Imagine journeying across the entire ocean for months just to end up chopping some wood, I hope that foolish and reckless attack was worth it. :rofl:

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Not as bad as Daelin going to Kalimdor to find his daughter only to start a conflict he could not win. Even if Jaina joined him. Hence why Katharine said that Jaina could not save her father from himself.

Well, whatever, enjoy taking quests from Jaina in one month while Grommash is in a ditch.

That is not the own you think it is. If Daelin was still alive and you used him then it could be.

Also you are a broken record by repeating those sort of lines. My issue is not with Jaina so no idea why you used her.

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OT (As I am tired of being trolled): Daelin did nothing wrong. 10 years later, an orc war criminal would drop a nuke on Jaina and her city, proving that orcs never change.

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