Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

The Horde still has some bases in the region. The Blackrock clan later invaded the area again during WoD.

I believe the Dragonmaw are also camped out in Wildhammer lands.

I’d note that none of the Eastern Kingdom is supposed to be Orc territory. That was all Human, Elf, or Troll lands when they got here and started wrecking the place.

The Horde gets to have the areas controlled by the Elves, Gurubashi, and Lordaeron since they’re mostly undead now. We’re gonna need you to vacate everywhere else.

Those lands belong to Gilneas, Kul’Tiras, Ironforge, Wildhammer, Dark Iron, Stormwind, and Stromgarde.


So you are one of the human supremacy defenders and a racist. Got it.

So you’re one of the “the Horde should be allowed to kill Alliance and it’s the Alliance’s fault” people, then.


The Horde has almost nothing If you haven’t noticed it yet. The inception of the world building was against them from the get Go. Blizzard made the alliance the ruler of the world a move no other other MMO ever repeated.

The Horde own a good chunk of Kalimdor. They also own Lordaeron, Quel’thalas, and Stranglethorn through their various groups.

but it’s a double standard to insist the Alliance needs to vacate all Horde controlled territory then get upset when the Alliance wants the same.

Which is pretty much how these threads go. Alliance likes to pretend it’s squeaky clean when it’s anything but that, but the Horde like to pretend everything is the Alliance’s fault because the Alliance decides to fight back against constant aggression.

Just Durotar really. Everything else is contested.

Not the plaguelands.

Soon to be neutral because High elf fans cried.

Calling out alliance bias and zone inequality is never wrong.

I must correct you on this.

The Horde only “controls” Durotar, the Barrens, Mulgore, and Azshara. In Lordaeron, they only control the western portion of the fallen kingdom. They also only have two outposts in Stranglethorn.

You’re overestimating the Herd tbh.

Three actually. And it makes sense since jungle trolls are a core race of the Horde.

You mean like the Alliance?

Daelin Proudmoor was a putz.

  1. When the Orcs were fleeing across the ocean he didn’t do a damn thing.
  2. When the plauge was starting in Lordaeron he didn’t do a damn thing.
  3. When his Daughter crossed the ocean to a hithertoo unknown continent with whatever loyalists she could muster he didn’t do a damn thing.
  4. When the Scourge was obliterating the alliance of Lordaeron he didn’t do a damn thing.
  5. When archimonde was poised to destroy the world he didn’t do a damn thing.

But when the orcs ~having crossed an ocean to get away from the alliance~ were trying to build a new nation with their allies and move away from the past he showed up to start crap over and above the protestations of his own daughter who had actually fought to save the world.

The fact that people are trying to lionize him now shows how poorly versed they are in the actual lore of the game.


Mulgore and Azshara as well. The Horde also have pretty uncontested access to Stonetalon, having nuked the main group there that wasn’t them.

Technically they also have the Barrens. Yes Northwatch exists but like I said, there are Horde bases in Alliance territory too. It doesn’t stop being Horde lands just cause there’s a base there.

There’s also very little stopping the Horde from expanding south as there is almost no Alliance presence in the south of Kalimdor outside of one base in Feralas.

You’re gonna want to take that up with the Argent Crusade and Silver Hand. The closest thing to a base the Alliance had there was half of Andorhal and that was wiped out in Cata.

Neither is calling out Horde hypocrisy.

To be fair with Stranglethorn the Alliance presence is like a single camp.

I’d say the Horde there is pretty uncontested, by the Alliance at least.

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The south of Kalimdor is even worse then Durotar. No one wants to live there.

Honor Stand and Northwatch disagree.

Stopped reading here. It’s explicitly mentioned in Chronicles III that he and his fleet were chasing the orcs after they stole Southshore’s fleet.

You’re blocked troll.

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And you are as laughable and pathetic as you were on MMO champion.

It’s actually mirrored. It’s three outposts, same as the Horde.

  1. Refuge Camp

  2. Fort Livingston

  3. Explorer’s League camp

And if we want to get technical, they also had Kurzen Compound until the general in charge went rogue.

Grom’gol base camp is the largest settlement in the zone that isn’t Zul’gurub itself. And Bambala after the Darkspear returned.

Not interested in fan-fiction unfortunately, and I know that you made up this claim.

I mean, by this logic the Alliance don’t have a lot of uncontested lands.

Maybe more than the Horde but it would be laughable to claim they “rule the world” if the standard for controlling a zone is that the other faction can’t have any forces there.

I’d say the state of Fort Livingstone is questionable since if I remember right, the last we saw of it was that it was mostly poisoned. Blizzard needs to update the map though, since a lot of what we’re working with is how the world looked in Cataclysm.

The Horde also have any Zandalari controlled lands now, too which isn’t reflected by the Cata map.

Yeah no: I consider the content of the games to have priority over fiction written after the fact. And the fact is that No one saw hide nor hair of this dip until after all the actual fighting had gone down.

Because if the Chronicles are to be believed we would have to accept that Thrall and his band of refugees were able to avoid being detected by the man who had one of the two largest fleets on the planet and their veteran crews and would thus have to be blitheringly incompetent.