Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

This is funny.

I assume you don’t know how Durotar became a desert?

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Well Jaina was going to bring a lot of water there but that idea seemed to upset a lot of people.


Go further back in time.

Do you mean when the highborne caused a lot of problems for the whole world?

The group of people who notably became the Blood Elves and joined the Horde?


I mean when the orcs first reached Durotar and Daelin’s fleet destroyed all of the forest and greenery to try to starve / deprive the orcs into extinction.
He literally salted the earth.


It wasn’t exactly a jungle prior to him showing up.

Either way, that’s the guy that the Alliance stood by and let Thrall kill because even Jaina thought he was unhinged.


Admiral Proudmoore was not invited there, thats ridiculous

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Admiral Proudmoore’s actions were denounced by the current leader of Alliance forces in the area who was his daughter and she allowed Thrall to handle it without him getting any reinforcements.

Unless you’d like to talk about some of the Horde rogue elements like Putress.

Or do they only count when they’re Alliance?


The garrison of Tiragarde Keep counts as “great numbers” in my book. Otherwise, the Horde could just force them out.


To be fair I think the Horde did force them out.

They just keep sending more people.

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The Alliance is hiding behind the treaty.
“If you attack our hold in Durotar, you’re breaking the treaty.”
So the Horde hasn’t done it, despite many wanting to.

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The fact that Exploring Kalimdor canonized the Alliance as holding Tiragarde Keep makes absolutely no sense; Theramore’s gone and the only Alliance military stronghold on the continent that could conceivably reinforce it would be Feathermoon Stronghold… which is in Feralas.

Then again, Exploring Kalimdor is/was certainly famous for not being a sensible book.


God I hate these kinds of threads


as long as Stormwind has keeps in Durotar and the Barrens this war will never be over. Jaina’s head on a pike will satisfy me.

Good. We have seen twice what happens when the Horde isn’t contained within their desert/wasteland “city”. We’re done playing nice. Time to contain them, once and for all.

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Nobody likes imperialists. Humans are for sure the worst race in the setting.

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Northwatch was built on neutral ground even as agreed to by Thrall at the time.

Though it’s not as though the Horde don’t have bases in Alliance territory, especially since Garrosh brought the Dragonmaw and Blackrock clans into the fold.

If you wanna talk about Northwatch and Tiragarde, there’s a lot of stuff in the Eastern Kingdoms to be talked about too.


There ain’t any Horde presence close to Stormwind.

Like I said, Garrosh brought the Blackrock clan back into the Horde.

All those orcs in the Burning Steppes? That’s officially Horde now.


It isn’t. The clan was already defeated and leaderless by the time they joined. The blackrock is official dark Iron dwarf territory now. Tiragade existing is the biggest threat to the Horde right now.