Daelin Proudmoore did nothing wrong

And yet, here we are. The Horde has inflicted a lot of damage on the Alliance.

Look, I get it, everyone wants to be the nice guy, saying the right things, having the right opinions, but the fact is that you had an alien species that did so much damage to the Human world that they became the worst enemy of the Humans. So yea, I’m not gonna pretend that I don’t understand what Proudmoore was doing. He was fighting the enemy to neutralize them permanently. Nothing more. How good or bad that was, I’ll let you people debate that, but again. Proudmoore was simply fighting the Alliance’s enemy.


That’s an awful broad use of enemy to describe a non-hostile group getting the hell away from you.

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Exactly. And as I said before, the moment you go after civvies, it’s over.

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Without his ‘tough love’ Thrall would never have grown to become the person he was! His dying words were literally about how proud he was of how strong and determined Thrall was!

Ultimately though he put the horde in the situation where they had to attack the Alliance a few years later, so he went because of a self fulfilling prophecy


And she’s the one who wrote Blackmoore like that! There’s the accusation that Christie Golden was Alliance biased, but like, her first entry into the universe was the start of the sympathetic Horde. I don’t know what happened there. I suspect it’s something more about her really liking morally pure characters, and when Blizzard higher ups started really pushing brutes like Garrosh into command she just didn’t care for any moral ambiguity in them.

Non-hostile? Are you high? The orcs sailed to Kalimdor on stolen ships after they killed a bunch of humans guarding the other orcs who had been imprisoned because they invaded and destroyed Alliance lands. In what world is that non-hostile?


Truly we should have had a peaceful emancipation of a mass imprisonment and slavery system

Tbf those books were when she was just a paid author knocking out stories Blizzard handed her the outline of, She never really had a bad rep until she got full creative control.

e: and even then I don’t think it would be as bad if she didn’t publically boast about creating/pushing the characters she did, Danuser probably would have ate most of the blame


Thrall was a fool to spare Theramore. Jaina was never serious about the peace.

RIP to a real one

The world of delusion.

It was also siege weapons / mortar teams. There is a reason why you lose access to a lot of the high tier ‘human’ tech in mission 2 of the Blood Elf campaign.

19 days later and nobody has presented a counter argument to this LOL

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Daelin Proudmoore is one of the most realistic characters in Warcraft.

Daelin Proudmoore is a product of his time. His generation bled and suffered for years during the Second War, his own son was consumed by the flames of the orcs. He saw the kingdoms of humanity wrecked, razed, and pillaged, the civilizations of the East were on the brink of collapse.

In many ways, he represents the “old guard”, the Second War generation. Bred in the fires of war, how can they possibly tolerate the orcs, the great enemy that tried to destroy humanity?

Jaina is part of the “new generation”. She has never known the horrors of the Second War. She is empathetic to Thrall’s cause, but she has never seen the carnage brought by the orcs.

It’s funny how Daelin Proudmoore and Robert Baratheon have the same actor, because they are so similar in terms of character. Both are vengeful against a specific group of people, due to the actions that this group committed against them in the past. Both are driven by vengeance, and how to fault them? WAR is real, PTSD is real, Daelin literally saw his son consumed by the flames in battle against the orcs.

I can see why Daelin would gather some hate online, since he’s not an orc boot-licker. Even so, it is undeniable that he is one of Warcraft’s more understandable characters.

One thing that doesn’t get mentioned enough about Daelin is his “loving” side. He clearly loved his family and his people. His people loved him in return; they built a statue in his honor, and renamed two bastions in his honor (Daelin’s Gate and Daelin Fort). Metzen once said at Blizzcon that Daelin would never cheat on his wife. This is an actual morally grey character, pay attention.


I mean yeah. In particular WoD kinda showed his opinion of Orcs was just correct.

Unfortunately for the Alliance though the narrative says they can’t beat the Horde, and PvP gameplay supports this as well. So.

Yeah just live at gunpoint and be thankful Monster Mash NATO isn’t aggro all the time. Afterall having living dead armies with omnicide gas artillery is pretty useful when you’re being invaded by limefire devils or shadow space squigglies.

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WoD did not show his opinions of Orcs as correct – it actually showed the opposite. People like to use WoD to incorrectly claim Orcs are innately evil and that no matter what they were gonna burn Karabor or whatever ignoring that the orcish resistance against the Iron Horde was actually larger then the orcish resistance against the Old Horde in the MU. Ignoring the Azerothians, you had the Frostwolves, Laughing Skull, Shadowmoon Clan Exiles and individuals in the Iron Horde dissatisfied or in several cases outright leaving it. Hell, even Orgrim Doomhammer left it before dying to Blackhand.


The Frostwolves are just always the good ones apparently. The Laughing Skulls are literally just in it for the lulz and then we have a random smattering of individuals.

This is a pretty big slide from a normal species being corrupted by demons. And hey I’m not hating in a better written story the Orcs wouldnt be uniquely bad.

But Azeroth is a universe where humanity inexplicably acts as well if not better than we do today, rather than how actual medieval societies did.

Granted it would’ve been a real short series if the Warcraft 1 Orcs had cone across to meet the Knights Teutonic or Genghis’s Golden Horde.


“Can your blood atone for genocide, human? Your Alliance killed countless innocents with its rampage across Durotar and Zuldazar. Do you really think you can just sweep all that away and cast aside your guilt so easily? No, your kind will never change, and I will never stop fighting you.


To be fair the only times the Alliance has shown up in Durotar in any great number is when they were invited there by the Horde to solve their civil wars.

Also, Kul’Tiras is really weird about insisting on maintaining the pile of rubble that is Tiragarde Keep for some reason but that’s hardly “rampaging”.