So…fluffy can’t post, but gave me the suggestion of a dad joke post.
Do it…what’s your best dad joke, for knadgar
So…fluffy can’t post, but gave me the suggestion of a dad joke post.
Do it…what’s your best dad joke, for knadgar
i say on u how do u find alot dungen in wow game u go to WOW classic LOLHAHAHAHAHAHA ! there alot dungen in there there funs i like then , i want more dungen in WOW classic there so goodjob
what’s brown and sticky?
a stick
edit: hi applebear, hi fluffybuns
Knadgar says fluffy has had better ideas, like panda feet and vulpera nuns…look at that sad face
I’d hug him, if he’d stop turning into a raven and flying off
swipes crown after huggings, catch me if you can…
What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie
Sofishticated, of course!
What generally is the best side of the house to put the porch on?
The outside.
btw the one that gets the highest upvotes, will get a mount OR 2 pets compliments of myself for fluffs bday. Only rules are they have to bnet me for a few days for it to kick in, and you can boot me off right after as you desire [this of course excludes myself].
It’s fluff bday month!!
i once had a dream i was swimming in an ocean of orange soda
but it was only a fanta-sea
How do you email your guild mates in Bastion?
You click a-send…
Tho I’m sure thread will be long dead, time limit for contest for mounts/pets will end at midnight central on the 6th
Good luck…if tie for any reason, I will honor top two highest posts with the rewards. Good luck.
Why can’t you trust an atom?
Because they make up everything!
What’s the difference between a gnome and a trampoline?
People usually take their boots off before jumping on a trampoline.
When does a bad joke become a dad joke?
When it becomes apparent
I took all the bands off of every watch I own and made a belt out of them.
It was a waist of time.
lol good one
My girlfriend left me… so I took her wheelchair.
Guess who came crawling back.
Time flies like an arrow
Fruit flies like a banana.
What did Godzilla say after he devoured Hawaii?
I want Samoa
Why do Rogues wear Leather Armor?
Because it’s made of hide
Mortis has arrived! the king of dad jokes!