D4 event and griefers

It takes less effort than starting this thread to tab target and attack. This is a non issue.


I enjoy seeing all the cool things people have collected. Not fun is sitting there starting at a portal.

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Annoying people are annoying and they legit come on here trying to defend being annoying, yikes.


Errr it kind of feels like people putting tents and huge mounts and dummies so people miss tags is the ‘spiteful’ behaviour here, not the people complaining about it.
That is some classic gaslighting right there…


the carpet of murders specializes in conspiracy theories.

we know it’s not true :slight_smile:


how do any of those things prevent people from getting a tag?

i still haven’t noticed these tents which people keep talking about.

i’m sure they’re probably a thing, but if they’re there, i haven’t noticed them, nor have they prevented me from getting a tag.

are the tents treated as solid objects?
do they impede line of sight?

I am doubtful on that, considering my 3 characters I was logged into yesterday morning got the red bag, only one of which had contents. And the rest of the day my characters got only a chance at a 36 slot bag.

Yeah not true that’s called RNG, I got mount on 2nd try yesterday

So you got 2 bags on the same character the same day? What I found was that repeating the event reduces the chance of getting anything at all. 3 out of 5 characters the last time I ran it got no loot at all. The goblin was unclickable.

Gunna say again.

Yesterday was first I tried, got the bag with the goodies, back and head cosmetic,pet. Then a couple hours later went and did again not expecting much and got the mount and 36 slot bag.

It’s an rng thing.

Idk how Goblin was unclickable I clicked on the icon at bottom of my screen and not a single issue hitting him.

My feeling is that the 36 slot bag is maybe a 10% drop. But if there is transmog gear, it doesn’t drop except from the bag.

He did not sparkle after the kill. That kind of unclickable.

Did you actually tab target him when spawned and get hits in?

Every single one I’ve done with min hitting still was able to loot.

2 out of 5 party members were able to loot him. And I do use a macro.

What….? Another use for my punching bags?

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That’s not what I asked and tbh I wouldn’t party up for that as it is when there is really no reason to outside of going to Stormwind for it so you can get rezzed if you get killed by another player.

I’m not sure how I didn’t answer the question, since using the target macro I had definitely tagged him.

i’ve got 3 bags (different characters, of course)
i’ve had 3 of Wirts legs (all the same one)
the backpack transmog
the cloak and hood
the nightmare banner toy
the pet (so many times that i can’t even give it away anymore at this point)

if you already had the items from the bag, why is that an issue?
it wouldn’t shock me if the items are unique and incorrectly tagged, i haven’t seen a second one drop.

I asked "Did you actually tab target him when spawned and get hits in?

Every single one I’ve done with min hitting still was able to loot."

I didn’t ask about if you were in a party group for it lmao

To me that sounds like the rng gods aren’t behaving for you.

i just switch alts depending on which factions city it’s spawning in.
ain’t nobody got time for corpse runs :stuck_out_tongue:

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How hard is to just click tab untill you target the Gob ?