This 100%, or at the very least, faction wide, I would be fine with having to do it once on each faction, but having to do it on every single alt just makes me want to play less alts.
Also agreeing with a big buff Tauren lady who is showing off her amazing physique, wish I could give 2 likes.
Cāmon Blizz! Fated WQs! Make it happen! Fated objectives too, just the same ones all the original zones had, tuned up to current ilevel difficulty + fated effects.
This would really be the simplest solution. Have the WQs that are affected based on which raid is Fated. If Castle Nathria, then the original zones are Fated as well. Blizz probably wonāt do this because itās to sensible of a solution.
Itās not like 9.2.5 is a content patch to begin with.
That said, yeah, even as someone who focuses on instanced endgame content, I am not looking forward to Season 4. The idea of resetting the gear grind while not having any associated new content to grind my way up in sounds AWFUL to me.
I do not participate in seasonal content like in Diablo 3. If Iām going to redo a process, it needs to be in NEW content, not old content being rehashed.
And as much as I think World Content has been overly rewarding in comparison to early M+ levels and Normal Raid since Legion, bumping everything else up as part of a new season but doing nothing for World Content is pretty scummy.
I guess the thought process is probably something like wanting to ensure that ZM stays accessible to new players/characters, since if the rewards are going to increase, the difficult should increase too?
Simple solution for that would be to bump the BoA anima gear you buy off the vendor in Haven to a new minimum ilvl.
There are solutions to the problems, Blizz is just choosing to ignore them, and it really makes me question whether they are really going to change their ways in DF or they are just lieing through their teeth.
Iād say it should affect the gear based on zone. So if it was an original zone reward, itād just bounce up to the new higher ilevel. That would open up a lot more pieces than just ZM.
Yep. Iāll either level lowbies or Iāll just quit playing. Even my RP fell apart now, because the guild Iād been in for a decade decided to turn into a clique and became unwelcoming to others.
Agreed. Then add more Cypher ranks and make random Fated stuff for quests and rares and whatnot.
The Cypher weapons can drop from chests, the weekly quest cache, and presumably the weekly cypher equipment generator in the Repertory Alcove, but since any other slot of Cypher equipment can be also be spawned, none of these sources are very reliable.
World quests and daily quests can also randomly spawn with a Cypher weapon award, but this has only happened twice so far due to RNG.
Two weapons up today.
They also seem to change with loot spec. My DK was able to get the puzzle WQ reward to toggle between a 1h and a 2h. Went for the 2h and of course got a dupe in the weekly chest lol.
Please let them make this unlock account wide. The Jiro quests are just tedious to repeat over and over.
Yes, another world quest just spawned a little over an hour ago with a weapon reward!
This is great! (Loot spec did not affect world quest gear rewards in Legion and BfA, and you would be stuck with the wrong relic for your specās artifact weapon or the wrong primary stat for your spec.)
Yeah the loot spec thing is new and itās pretty nice.
I just checked on my Monk and saw the 1h agi mace so I changed loot spec to Mistweaver and now the reward is an Int Staff
*edit - The Fish Eyes WQ reward is 2h for all specs of DK sadly. Frost can technically use 1h or 2h so there is always a chance of that being the case. Hopefully that doesnāt confuse or dissuade fellow DK enthusiasts from checking their loot spec when these quests pop up.
I did it before even starting the quests, but I imagine you could change it right up until you complete the WQ. The only thing you may notice is the rewards can be slow to update in the UI. Zoning in or out of ZM forces it to update so you can check rewards in Oribos, change loot spec, zone into ZM and see the potential new rewards.