I thought we were getting cypher weapons (item lvl 252) in 9.2.5 but I see no mention of this in the notes? However Wowhead had actual pictures of these new weapons? Is that instead for pre-patch or what? Does anyone know what is going on with that? Are these weapons coming or no?
They aren’t being added until Season 4. I think we just generally assumed that would be in 9.2.5 before we knew that the patch wasn’t going to conincide with the new season/tier.
Nope the weps coming in season 4.
Was hoping they’d have different models.
Ah, well. Fills out the mog log
Where did you hear this? Their not being in the patch notes doesn’t mean they aren’t being implemented. Just like whatever’s happening with Calia isn’t in the patch notes.
There’s some shady stuff going on with this patch and lots of things are being left out of the notes for who knows what reason. I mean, at this rate, season 4 should just be its own damn patch if they’re not going to release half of this stuff until then.
They are being added with the Fated raid content, and that is not suppose to be added till season 4. Unless Blizzard changed something.
That makes no sense to me. They’re going to be 252 weapons. There’s no raise in ilevel on anything from ZM, yet the ilevel for all other content goes up in season 4. So why release them later?
Bleh, this patch sucks.
Has Blizzard done anything that makes sense in the last 7 years ? They have been a disaster since Legion.
That doesn’t answer the question.
… fair enough. lol
When everyone is receiving 300+ weapons, open world casuals will be receiving 252 weapons. Hope all of you are grateful.
I’ll just not play if they aren’t going to give open world casuals any content for upgrades. I don’t expect high ilevel from open world, never did, but everyone else gets content to upgrade their gear and we don’t? shrugs Just shows me where they stand on keeping us engaged in current content.
The sad part is they can fix it very easy. Add back gear vendors that have FULL Sets, allow us to earn Valor doing ANY content. Spend Valor at Vendors. Want to fix the horrific RNG of secondary stats ? Sockets…The gear has two sockets that can fit gems to your liking. I just made jewel crafters awesome too.
Easy I just fixed Blizzards horrific gearing system in 30 seconds.
It’s incredible that Blizzard keeps wasting Dev time coming up with the most stupid band aid fixes to alleviate the horrific gear grind THEY created. I can’t believe no one in their Dev team is like " Guys lets stop doing this and just add gear vendors".
It never made any sense of why this current crop of Devs is so stingy with gear… It’s driving people away from wanting to play this game and actually consume the content created.
Did Blizzard announce this?
Or are you making the assumption based on the fact that the 9.2.5 patch notes make no mention of the weapons being added?
Yes, it is very often the case that patch notes leave out specific information about gear acquisition from casual content, even in 9.0 and 9.1.
I’m not sure whether Blizzard thinks that the information is no minor so that it’s not even worth being included, or whether Blizzard doesn’t want to promote the idea of earning gear outside of the three pillars.
Finally getting 252 weapons in Season 4 (when they should have been available at 9.2 launch) would be the ultimate insult.
How hard would it be for devs to let ZM gear scale up to Season 4 standards (278/285 Normal) after all the work they are putting into complex raid and dungeon encounters and loot tables?
I guess Blizzard doesn’t mind if open world players supposed unsub until DF prepatch (when weapon upgrades will likely be available through the event). Season 4 as an “experiment” will fail due to lack of solo and casual content, not just because of the rehashed content for the hardcores.
They’re my weapons. I need them now!
Believe they are 233 starting out, and you upgrade them like the other stuff to 250 something. My understanding anyways. Admit that I just did the opening quests there, and never went back to ZM. The cypher upgrade system never bothered to figure out how to upgrade the 233 stuffs.
You don’t upgrade gear in ZM. The drops start at 233 and as you upgrade the cypher the ilvl of potential drops increases. So if you have a 233 helm and raise the level of the cypher, the helm stays the same level but the next one to drop or show up as a quest reward will be a higher level.
You upgrade in terms of by upgrading the cypher level you upgrade the gear you can get. So technically we are both right.