Cypher Weapons

Also, if you are a Sub rogue for example, there is only one 246 dagger and it is “main-hand” only, so you can’t equip two even if you get your hands on two. (There are agility maces useable by Combat rogues, but Sub rogues can’t use key abilities unless they equip two daggers.)

season 4 is at the end of summer nothing new is coming at all…lmafo.

Wrong. “lmfao”. Season 4 brings quite a bit of stuff.

same pvp gear to grind?..lmao.

You don’t appear to be speaking from knowledge, just trolling and laughing. There will be some better gear coming but not until season 4.

9.2.5 has no new content at all just a season 4 with pvp gear that you have been grinding for every patch am i missing something?

Wrong. There is the Belf Paladin quest for the Blood Knight Armor, there’s also the Dark iron quest. There is a new arena, there will be 252 cypher weapons, there will be “fated” dungeons as well. Its not just season 4 pvp gear…like have you read up on any of this stuff?

9.2.5 is dropping Tuesday with a few QoL changes, the heritage stuff, the cross faction stuff and the class changes. Season 4 is separate and won’t be starting until later this summer.

Well, they certainly should be dropping this week.
There is no earthly reason why they should not be available.

252 weapons should drop tuesday in fact they should have some way of people who don’t do none of the 3 endgames to progress gear in season 4 but i ain’t see nothing of it kind of sounds like they said screw casuals but yet they are listening sure they are.

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my main just got a ilvl 252 Rhapsodic Cleaver. didn’t bump up her avg item level, as it replaces an ilvl 246 Reanimator’s Beguiling Baton

edits: here is a screenshot

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I thought 252 weapons weren’t dropping until season 4?

Just did the wq in ZM for the neck piece and got a 1h mace 249ilvl instead…working as intended or bug?

The item level you get is dependent on your console level.

So if you have maxed out your console 6/6 then item level 252s will drop. Got an axe last night for my warrior and a staff this morning for a druid, both 252.

I had a quest item drop from the first random ZM mob I killed last night that “turned on” cypher weapons as a possible reward.

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It’s hilarious to me people say this when solo open world questing and non-raid progression all massively were boosted once Ion was in charge.

Open world didn’t have any gear or progression until Legion.

I’m playing TBC classic right now, where is my solo player progression? It ends at level 70 on greens. And that is the expansion that saw the sharpest spike of player growth ever.

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So from what I can tell you have to have unlocked the Jiro vendors outside of Firim’s location. Maybe even have completed the storyline in Zerith Mortis.

I killed a rare on my main today and they received an item that once turned in allowed the collection of Cypher weapons.

My alts did not receive this item and I haven’t unlocked most of the ZM content with them. There is a server maintenance right now so I will have to check another alt after things are back up to see if the unlock was account wide.

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I got the quest token killing spiders.
Turned it in to the Olea Cache jiro.
Then I did something, turned in a quest or maybe patterns, and got a 252 bow.

All this was under 30 minutes.


I think that you are very right.
My three who have done the Jiro quests that end up by the FP to the World Boss, they all got the cypher weapon token within two or three spider kills. My other two who have not, did not.

Yea, keep believing that. Ion did not improve non-raiding progression, it was done before him and since he become the director He has been steadily nerfing it.

You are comparing 15 years old game to today’s game is actually hilarious. Not only that, I had better gear than raiders in Vanilla by solo/casual play. Rank 11 gear was years ahead of any raiding gear you would have gotten in MC, BWL or AQ.

Both BC and BWL had solo/casual progression/content much better than SL ever did. You need to realize gear is not everything, content also matters.

Who destroyed WQs ? Ion did, Who destroyed mount/tmog/pet grinds? Ion did. Who destroyed old raid farming ? again Ion did. Stop defending the guy who has caused the most sub losses in the history of WOW.