Cypher Weapons

Ah ok. Like I said didn’t hang around there long enough to figure it out. Went back to messin around in classic after doing some of the opening quests there. To boring trying to keep up with all those currencies. Having to click on the currency tab on the character info tab in game constantly to see if you have enough of that crap to do this, or that is annoying imo. Valor, and justice was bad enough back in the day, but now it’s crazy with all the crap currencies you have to keep up with.

They’d better give an upgrade path to open world content.

In no way should casual content be the efficient route to get better gear, but a path should be put into place where you could get the best gear eventually.

This is why I liked Titanforging so much; every once in a while, an alt of mine would get a cool windfall and quest reward would take an ilevel jump.

Gatekeeping gear behind elite content is a good way to lose 90% of the playerbase.


Eh… that doesn’t fly in this community. That’s how Old Republic used to be until the new update, where the devs decided open world players were beneath everyone. They had another mass exodus over it.

But here? There are too many who believe that shouldn’t exist. And honestly, I’m fine with that here. Because we do have MDIs and WF races and whatnot. So if those people want to be defensive of their gear, that’s completely fine.

I was perfectly happy with the Korthia system. It was a good ilevel to reach and it was a time investment that kept me engaged. It has its issues and some kinks needed to be worked out, but they should’ve built off of that.

Or they should’ve given us a path to continue to upgrade our open world tier setthat we got in 9.0.

They had better routes to have more engaging content over time. They chose a bad path and now we’re left out of season 4 completely. Even LFR will be better. And my guild won’t be able to run keys because of it.


Yeah for sure. M+'ers bristle at the mere mention of a filthy casual getting competent gear.

How DARE they!?

That’s why, in my opinion, M+ shouldn’t award gear. The instance should cap item level and template classes.

That would seperate the real elite players from all of us pretending to be elite. Pushing would become a whole lot more impressive.

I certainly wouldn’t make the cut.


Problem is twofold.

1: That makes too much sense for Blizz.

2: That would upset the wannabe tryhards who believe unless you play the game their way, you are playing wrong.


Yeah ,we’re getting weapons ! Even though 252 weapons drop doing the rares nice no more need to farm for them. A little late.

Actual nothing changed lol.

No, the Dune rares drop 246 weapons. There are no rares that drop 252 weapons.


From what I have read - and from what others have read and deduced from what has been said and what is not being said - I have been assuming that there will be no casual content and no reason for casuals to continue to subscribe.

My assumption has been that the people who design gearing think that suffering through having really bad gear serves as an incentive for casuals to do the highest level content. I’m thinking this shows they still don’t understand how and why people play the game and don’t want to know. They think that being really good at designing convoluted systems means they’re great at understanding human nature.


If you are lucky. Most of my alts are not. My ret pally gets one handers and my dual wielding dk gets 2 handers. If they get anything that is. :frowning_face:


I couldn’t imagine trying to get weapons as a class that dual wields. I’d throw things. lol


This is 100% correct. I am having hard time understandings this tho. I mean really, people who do not want to do the content will NEVER do the content even if you give them free legendaries, 50k gold per boss etc. Simple as this.


It really does seem that way, and look what it’s done to the game. Ion and Co need to realize they can’t try to push everyone to be wannabe tryhards. Those players will just leave and find a game that treats them as a valued customer, and respects their play style.


I had that with Old Republic. Until the new devs destroyed that with the new “expansion.” :unamused:

I don’t throw things because I am the one who would have to clean up the mess. I do use some colorful language though. Out loud, I would never type that in chat.

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But now that microsoft is taking over, this is their last chance to prove they are right and everybody else in the industry has been doing it wrong!

Ion will NEVER realize this or even understand it, He is an elitist raider. Only hope for casuals when Ion is gone, this most likely happen after MS takevoer.


What was the reason for no weapons or trinkets in ZM? Spite?


That’s what I’m going with. Korthia was great. I could upgrade to the highest Normal ilevel in every slot, with lots of choices on secondary stats from that gear.

Now? It’s usually the same stats over and over, with no trinkets or weapons, no upgrades coming in season 4 and a huge middle finger with a bow tied around it.


That’s why imo they should of let players keep using artifact weapons. After they were drained at the what sword in Silithus, could of continued to use them, and each expansion use a relic slot to upgrade them in item levels like you do now in Legion content. Would still be an rng thing though lol. Instead of a weapon drop, it would just be rng relic upgrades :rofl: Can’t win for losing in world of warcrack :crazy_face:

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I honestly can’t figure out what the plan is when it comes to casual open-world gear progression, especially weapons and trinkets.
They add and remove things constantly and instead of iterating on any one system they seem to throw one out and build a new one every patch or two.

What happened with Covenant sets? We gained an additional 40 renown in 9.1 and our Covenant sets were still stuck in 9.0.
The Korthia system had potential but they threw the entire thing out because people who push progression wanted sockets faster I guess?
Cypher gear has to constantly be reacquired as you upgrade ranks. I still have alts who have not had a higher level version of the move/mount speed slot drop and only last week got a new helmet for my Rogue with the desired effect.

It just doesn’t make any sense to me what the end goal is.
The only conclusion I can come to is that neither does Blizzard. They are just blindly throwing darts still.
It’s bad enough weapons don’t drop in usable sets for DW or sword and board specs.
Every time I get a new shield but wait weeks to upgrade a 1h feels awful. Every time I get a 1h on a DW class and then have to pray to the RNG gods for it to happen again feels awful.
They rely on M+ spam to fix all the cracks in the system, or for players to engage in the PvP system which somehow keeps getting worse imo.

I would love for some dev’s to sit down and actually map out what their plans are instead of winging it every patch when it comes to gear acquisition.