Cyberpunk 2077

How many people are gonna play Cyberpunk tomorrow night and forget about WoW for a few weeks?



I’ll watch for patches to iron out the bugs.


I actually don’t really care for Cyberpunk. I hope it does well but I just don’t have any interest. I’ve been playing Valhalla a lot and have really enjoyed the story.


I will play Cyberpunk but also run M+ and Raid.


Play? I’m probably gonna be engrossed in the character creation for at least 4 hours before getting to actual game play.


why not both?


I’ll just watch a let’s play on the other screen.

I don’t got time or money to play it lol.

I will play Cyberpunk 2077 the moment my raid is finished for tomorrow evening, 8.5 years of waiting for this and I have to wait to play because my guild figured they would raid right at the release time for this game.

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That was why the release date was extended until tomorrow. Working from home, the devs needed more time to patch it up.

IDK - Open world games lately been real lack luster. Had high hopes for Watchdogs Legion and that was a huge letdown.

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Not me.

I can manage my time effectively to be able to play more than one thing at a time.

Wasn’t the release date December 10th though? Or is it the 9th in most places and the 10th globally?

I’m not sure about Cyberpunk 2077 any more. I’m a little nervous that CD Projekt Red has forgotten how to make hot women in their games.

Ya me too. I just don’t do the hype thing. Sorry but way more times are games bad than good when hyped. If its that good I can play it in 6 months when the bugs and such are fixed.

Gonna play for prob an hour or two until I feel like running more m+ or nathria only alt. Then swap. Or have one open on each monitor because pc gaming.

Like WoW the time varies depending on what region you’re in.

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Well i guess i am on the market for a new game eventhough i just spent $60 with wow…

But then i just got burned on a $60 game purchase so maybe i should just play my steam library for now.

I mean ill just pick up cyberpunk when its $20 this summer or something.

Well I think Cyberpunk will be good. But it’s not going to be some life-altering experience as it’s been hyped up to be. It’s probably just going to be a good game. That’s it.

And yes I share the opinion with a popular YouTuber who talked about this subject.

Cyberpunk will be good to play once you full clear raid, done your +10 dungeon, capped conquest, and done your weekly quests. Until these are done, Cyberpunk can wait.

No different than Call of Dooty or Doom Eternal or whatever other game you play on the side when you have completed the weekly content and have downtime in WoW.

And as a game developer myself I trust that that isn’t going to be enough to iron out all the bugs.

I’m confident I’ll have a more stable and polished experience if I wait a month or two to play the game.