meh. its a single player game isnt it? its gonna get spoiled to death real quick.
its probably just like a bigger better fallout 4
huge hype, but probably a 1 playthrough kind of thing.
meh. its a single player game isnt it? its gonna get spoiled to death real quick.
its probably just like a bigger better fallout 4
huge hype, but probably a 1 playthrough kind of thing.
Nope. I read some reviews about it and it does seem interesting, but not enough to get me to buy it.
Based on the working conditions the staff has had to endure to make the game, I will not be buying it.
Cyberpunk tomorrow
Oxygen Not Included DLC today
I think i’ll limit my wow gametime to Mythic runs and no raids.
TBH, wouldn;t it have been better to release the game a few weeks ago and do waves of patches to fix any bugs?
Isn’t the whole game in first person?
First day playing will be entirely wasted on Character Creation.
For sure , i can wait to enter Nightcity …
Why would you want players first impressions of a game to be worse?
Single player now but plans to add mult1player later on.
no, Its just not my kind of game.
A few weeks? I give it a weekend. Looks like a garbage game imo.
Don’t know, you’re a dev. I was just asking.
I’m waiting for reviews.
It looks amazing, but I hate 1st person gameplay.
Do you walk into Burger King and ask people if they’ve tried the new Big Mac?
Kinda hard where every choice, action and mod/no mod alters the course of the game’s direction. Sure, if you follow the streamers game play, be very hard to spoil it.
With three life paths, individual character back story, how the player answers to NPCs and how they treat average joe NPCs and potential enemies. Be hard.
It has 1st and 3rd person elements, as well you have cinematic for story to show your character as well, as well actually mirrors in game. Yes working mirrors (minor detail, but kinda huge)
Watchdogs has been a let down from the beginning
Yes, yes I do. I even ask the staff at Dunkin if they’ve tried any of the new stuff.
You can play 2 games at the same time? PRO!
Hasn’t mirrors been in gaming for decades? This is huge for you?