Ima animal person. and in WoW, blizz puts in literal animal people. Fox people, bear people, snake people… whatever. but which is cutest? (Note: It does not have to be a animal like race, just a cute one) Im torn between Grummles and Vulpera. How about you?
female goblins cute asf
Not in that way, but if you really think so…
In other words, i disagree.
Eww, animal people aren’t cute. The cutest race would be gnomes. They are so smol and cuddly!
Smol, yes. Cuddly, no. But i can see your reasoning
Undead. They’re so cute with their spikey hair and chonky bone nubs poking out of their extremities.
Whoa there. Im trying to sound reasonable but undead has past the line. No cute ness. Just scary.
Pandaren are as cute as they are cuddly.
Female gnomes > Female pandawomen > Female Vulpera > male panda bears > female scratchy worgen = male gnomies
Me then you.
Facts. I like their vibe . They’re overall smexiest race in the game.
As for normal cutest race that’s not on female goblin level it will be Gnome, Vulpera, Worgen, Night Elf, Tauren, Draenei and Pandaren.
<- Dis gal!
you should date Tyzzi
I hear ya, but some depending on features can pass for cute in an awkward way.
True. Smooth female undead face with pig tails bout the cutest there gonna get. Anyway, I gotta log, and I think Vulpera is cutest still
Male Blood Elves. Sorry not sorry.
There’s no contest.
Female Draenei are cuter than all.
I think Pandaren , Vulpera
, and Tauren
are the cutest.
Just look at this face, look at it.
All blood elves are female so thats attractive but as far as cuteness its the dwarves because they are like little hairy animals without going full on furry