gnomes and vulpera. Pandaren come in second, then worgen.
Easily undead.
Wolvar hands down…should had them for an alliance race if you ask me…
the elf chicks are cute. goblin females are also cute. but nothing will be cuter then the fox girls
my god i sound like a fury…
edit: forgot about Draenei. there voices are a bit werid tho…
Embrace the Yiff and your path to the darkside will be complete…
The gnome female facial animation while fishing is certainly along the cuteness spectrum.
I am number one cute!@
Yes, I get the cutest face when fishing for my mechagon fish dailies (even as a DK.)
Podlings. The answer is podlings.
Baby taurens are cute.
Totally are. It’s ok denial is a thing, we still love you.
I love forsaken. Everything about them.
You mean the face covered up by a war helm, and painted with war paint? Some tauren are cute, but I like to see there facial features more.
Every Druid race in bear or cat form … and maybe Tauren
Blood Elves, Nightborn, and Draenei.
Gnomes, Pandaren, Vulpera.