Customer support

you should probably read the sticky… because right now, I’m the one being harassed.

i have no idea which other items you may or may not have had at the time.

…what about the gloves then?


First things first youl need to do a full UI reset, not being able to roll on tokens suggests a corrupt UI or an add on working against you.

Theres nothing a GM can do to fix a BUG. So popping the details in the bug forums and submitting a bug report in game is all you need to do - keep in mind Blizz will not respond to bug reports unless they need further info.

The devs are who fix bugs and they will fix it for everyone at once, not on an individual case by case basis.


T o add to this, this the ONLY report i have seen like this. This could be a bug, sure. But one that is affecting one person?

This reaks of a corrupt UI. A full and proper UI reset is the first step in ruling things out.®%20folder.&text=Rename%20the%20Cache%2C%20Interface%2C%20and,the%20changes%20can%20take%20effect.


I posted this yesterday, and I feel this is relates to this thread, too.


…Why on Azeroth are you posting in binary? I’m not going to translate it for various reasons but that seems a little bit silly.

Fighting with other players is no way to gain assistance.

Anyway, forum topics are often read but not responded to. Especially bug reports. There’s not much of a discussion to be had about reported bugs outside of the fact they exist. I…Think that’s the point of your original post. It kinda goes on for a bit.


I’d really recommend not trolling here Passive. Your posts, especially the binary spam are not a good way to get help.

You were given good information that you have chosen to ignore. If you feel that there is a bug (despite not having done some basic troubleshooting), then submit a bug report in-game.

There are no GMs on the forums, so I’m not too sure what you are hoping to accomplish here.


So, if i can take the time to translate this mess, you know thr SFAs in here will as well.


What spec did you go into the raid as, are you sure that the gear that dropped was for the spec that you had picked going into the raid? Other than that sounds like a UI bug to me.

Edit: gear


Oh grow up.

Most people are thankful that players take the time to at least respond. The very least you can do is be civil. Troll.


i just went to look at the bug report post.

(posted 2 days ago…)

but you say that you got the pants last week…?

if you already had the pants last week, as you say…

why would you have the chance to roll again this week?


so… you know there’s no bug.

good thing i AM a detective.

at least now you know what the problem was.

it could have been resolved with the first post if you’d provided all the information.

…on the upside, you can close your ticket now.

Glad we were able to help.


Once again, last week when the item was an upgrade from my 382 pants, I could NOT roll on it. I had it GIVEN to me. So to you and Nephe who likes your posts everytime you type were still, once again, someone who assisted nothing.

Brushing past all of this other nonsense that has happened thus far, because it is far too early for that kind of mess -

The thing is, it absolutely could be. It could be some oddball line of code that is preventing the token from you being able to roll on it. It absolutely could be something else.

When it’s suggested to do a full UI reset, it’s not something to just brush off. It really does cure most issues that people have in-game. It can happen on a single character, it can happen on all of them. It could be this weird anomoly that is preventing the script to pop for you to be able to loot or roll on a piece of gear. Even if it is as you believe, what harm is there in at least giving it a shot while you wait for your ticket to be addressed? You’ll be able to say that you already gave it a try because I can almost guarantee you that when your ticket is responded to, they will ask you to do a UI reset to at least rule it out.

If it were a lockout issue, you wouldn’t have been able to receive the legs the hunter passed over to you.

Blizzard can still look into it on their end, I’m not saying that they cannot. Tickets for in-game issues are averaging over a week’s response time right now, so you’ll have a few more days to wait I’m afraid. In the meantime, it doesn’t hurt to do your due diligence to at the very least knock out that first step.

To be fair, it’s a hard thing to test out since you’ve already completed the raid for the week, but it still does not hurt to mark the possibility off the checklist.

I do wish you luck.


Thank you, Leilleath I just got done doing that. I appreciate it.

This isn’t a bug though. This is how the new loot system is designed. I enjoy LFR and farm it for transmog on multiple characters so I’ve been following this. The only way around I see right now is to either decline upgrades higher than LFR ilevel or roll a new toon to exclusively farm LFR. Hopefully they change this. There’s a larger discussion in the general forum you may want to join.

And FYI, generalized complaints about customer service are seen as trolling and not permitted in this forum. I have personal experience appealing this issue.


Once again, last week it was an upgrade. 389 > 382, so why could I not roll on it? And also, it is a bug because a LFR piece dropped LOWER ILVL than what I am wearing from Kurog and I could roll on it. Half the raid bosses NO MATTER ILVL i cannot roll on tokens whether an upgrade or not.

Ultimately I believe your ticket is not going to receive an answer you will find favorable either. If you could not roll need on an item, GM staff won’t be able to help bypass that.


Delete this thread please.

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Wow, this thread took a down turn… :frowning: