Customer support staff issues?

Hello has anyone else had issues with support staff being completely unhelpful? Since returning to the game shortly before dragonflight I have had numerous in game issues. The latest inviolved an issue with a character race change causing my hunter to not be able to transmog any of their armor, and requiring me to buy a second race change to fix the issue. In every single instance of me seeking help the support staff have been completely unhelpful and have even told me via their last communication that they cannot assist in any in game issues and only suggest putting in a bug ticket now. Either they are lying OR, they are basically redundant and in game support does not exist? I’m completely frustrated here and am hoping someone can address this as I have no idea what to do at this point to get any actual help with my issues. I have played this game on and off for almost 20 years now and honestly I am ready to walk away permanently at this point. Any suggestions?


There are some issues a gm can not assist with, if it is a bug they can not help

They also can not tell you how you can make the rransmog work, no game hints


I was told during my last issue that they can any help with ANY in game issues a f only suggest putting in bug reports now

Dont think they can do anything about transmog

I get that. I but that’s just the latest issue. Also I asked for a refund on the tokens and they told me its a transmog issue and to out in another ticket. The problem is now they cannot assist at all and only suggest submitting a bug report. They have no accountability and so just refuse to help. Because the only way to get a hold of anyone is via the ticket system they can just tell you any bs and you have no way to verify if they are being honest.

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Gms can not refund tokens


So what can they do? Because I if I submit any sort of help ticket they are who respond. If they cannot do anything regarding any issue, and they are the only people I can reach what am I supposed to do?

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If you got the wrong token not much you can do. If you can not refund on your own then your out of luck

Need to double and triple check what your getting.

Think there might be a post in this forum pointing out what gms can do


You should receive a survey request for feedback about your ticket, when it’s closed. You can give your feedback there about the GMs you interacted with.

Your post is a little hard to read so not sure what exactly you are asking about.

Did you race change your hunter to a Dracthyr? They cannot transmog most slots, that is a restriction of their class and not one a GM can help with or bypass.


This post may help you understand what GMs can, and more importantly, can’t do.

They don’t fix individual bugs, they don’t take game suggestions, they don’t give game hints, they are limited by the rules the Devs set for how in-game systems work. Some are intended to have consequences for player decisions.

There are also now a lot of player self-help tools that grant players the same ability GMs used to have. Such as item restore, or char undelete.

Read over the article and it might help sort out what GMs can and can’t help with. You can also always ask here! This forum is an Information Desk to help guide folks through the Support system/ticket system, explain policies, explain account services, etc.


We’re having issues at the moment where items disappeared after a classic server crash and we’re told “yeah, check your warband bank”.

I didn’t realize classic had a warband bank lmao.


Gms do make mistakes and answer tickets from all games. Next time make sure you say from classic.

Afraid if the item was not saved in your hands at the time of the server issue you might be out of luck. Could be lost in the nether due to the crash


It was stated it was classic.
Three times.

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To be frank, the GMs ain’t able restore what the system doesn’t have. They use templates to try to keep things straight as trying to type out information can drag down the ticket times.


Anytime I need help I’m on my own. For one ticket they had the gall to tell me to check wowhead for a resolution lol

There is support, but there is also limits to what support can help with, as noted in one of the earlier responses. If you would care to share what the issue was, perhaps we could point out why the only answer was to check WoWhead?


If they are telling you to check wowhead means they , A gm can not directly help! Be it a game hint or some other issue. That is the only reason they say that.


Things a GM cannot help with:

  1. Game bugs - Submit an in-game bug report or post in the Bug Report Forum.
  2. Game Hints - If you’ve lost a quest, need help with a quest, can’t find an NPC or having problems with an achievement, check Wowhead or post in the Quest forums.
  3. Refunds on gear - If you purchase something from a vendor, there are multiple checks and “are you sure” warnings that you need to confirm. Sometimes we just have to be responsible for our mistakes.
  4. Purchase refunds - there is a automated refund system no in the game. There are time and usage restrictions so if you don’t meet those requirements, a GM cannot help you.
  5. Blizzard store purchases - if you have a problem with a purchase from the Blizzard store, you need to contact the store. There should be a “contact us” at the bottom of the website with an email address.

I had a similar interaction with a GM. I had a glyph that could not be removed with dust and the GM wouldn’t even look into it. Even though the ticket clearly stated that dust wouldn’t work, his solution was to explain to me what dust is and how to get it.
I replied that, he didn’t even bother reading my original ticket, and his next solution was to just close the ticket. :unamused:


My only thought is this

Note: If you applied the glyph to a spell that you later replaced with a talent, you must first remove the talent and restore the original spell. For example, if you are a Paladin, and you have replaced Avenging Wrath with Avenging Crusader, you won’t be able to remove the Glyph of Winged Vengeance unless you remove the Avenging Crusader talent first. Removing the talent will require you to be in a resting area or spend a Tome of the Tranquil Mind.

If you tried all of the above and you still cannot remove a glyph, you may have a damaged UI element or addon: please reset your UI.