Hi all,
Just trying to see if there is a customer relations section for blizzard that is outside the customer support staff chain that I could file a compliant with. Sadly I have not had the best experience with the support staff and wanted to know if there was a section that is separate from them. Kind of like a quality insurance/check and balance. I asked a support supervisor for this but he ignored me and than when I asked again a different supervisor responded also ignoring the request and told me future contact will result in negative action. Any help would be awesome
“Just your friendly neighborhood armorsmith ^.^”
Use the survey provides to give feedback on your interaction with a GM. Those go to the supervisors.
Sounds like you was told no about something and kept pestering the GMs. When it get to a point when they tell you to knock it off, let it go.
Basicly you fill out the survey that you get at the end of the ticket if a GM tells you no and another one tells you no the same answer will be the same from the supervisor telling you that you will be actioned if you open any further tickets is a warning to help you.
Don’t the surveys just go right back to the support chain?
THey go to there supervisors.
no, they go to the supervisors.
thread got locked and a mod is gonna respond…
There is nothing more we can do for you here Artemisxzero. You have been provided with the final answer by multiple Game Masters and by multiple Supervisors.
If you would like to see the Classic Support policy changed, you are welcome to provide such feedback through the Classic Discussion forums but no one in the Customer Support group is going to be able to change this stance.
The warning was issued because despite the multiple interactions, you have continued to open tickets on the subject. If you would like to provide feedback regarding your Customer Support interactions, the most appropriate way to do that is through the surveys that are provided at the end of your interactions. There is no other department that you would to go to for this.