Custom sound files still broken?

In 8.2.0 Blizz broke custom sound files while trying to prevent data mining. Many in this community were saddened by this and several threads were created to bring it to the attention of others in an effort to get devs to prioritize a work around for us.

Blizz replied in the pre-8.2 PTR thread UI Changes in Rise of Azshara that they were looking into it. However, now we’re in 8.2.5 and still there is no fix for it? And no, just muting sound files is not enough. Allowing us to replace sound files is the point we’re trying to make here.

Come on folks, let’s please get this on the devs priority to-do-list. If you miss your custom music, real explosions, gunfire, comedy emotes & voice overs, muted or lower volume sound files, all of which make this game very much more playable & enjoyable, then please lend a hand and let blizzard know that we want this back!


8.3 coming soon and still no word on this…

I want my custom sound files back!