Custom sound files not working

You’re welcome :grinning:

Yah I was going to look that up for you but I had fallen asleep:O)

try looking for announce? maybe, or notification.

Man I wish they would let us know if they are going to let us replace sounds again, I agree about the gun sounds, it is just depressing.

is this the sound? click the thing that looks like an eye to play it

no…that sounds like something from DeadlyBossMods, which i don’t really mind…but this sound effect is VERY loud and VERY jarring. it occured whenever yellow text appeared on screen, and the last file i had to silence it was called “UI_RaidBossWhisperWarning”

edit: just tried looking it up as that, and found it.

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ah cool good to know that, glad you found it! :O)

You can replace the files in the OldGunSounds add-on with your own custom sounds from before it broke, it just takes a little work. xD I wish they would just bring back the old way again.



i just hope i never have to go through that ever again. >.<

For the love of goodness, how? I logged on to my worgen female today, excited to play her, and found that she’s got her smoker voice again instead of the Gilnean voice which I changed a long time ago via the old method. This means if I want to play any of my female taurens I’m going to have to also deal with their atrocious new combat sounds too (modded them to all be the old ones). There’s not a lot of sounds in the game I don’t like, but I cannot stand the new femtaur combat sounds, nor the worgen female voice emotes.

I wrote a guide on how to do this, unfortunately it only works with Hunter weapon sounds and rogue Pistol Shot. I believe any sound can be muted by the same add-on though. ➴ How to Get CUSTOM Gun/Bow Sounds Back in Shadowlands
I am not sure if there are other sound replacement add-ons to do what you want. :confused:

Dang. Guess I’ll just have to hope more worgen players are annoyed, at least, by the voice now that they’re coming back to play them with the new models. And that someone better at addon creation than I can do it. Thanks for the link though.

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so wait what did blizz do in this latest patch to let us fix things cuz I have a bunch of custom recorded ogg files for my gun sounds and stuff. I dont want to use an addon cuz well thats kinda dumb to bog down memory when I can pull apart the game myself

yeah, that’s something i need to be mindful of too. Terraria lags pretty badly on me once i hit Hardmode, and it worries me, cause it’s not the most graphics intense game out there…then i realized i’m using quite a few addons, and it’s likely using a LOT of memory.

WoW however…i’ve got OldGunSounds, DBM, SoulSpeak (though that’s only on for my Warlock) and i think that’s about it…but i’ve noticed some lag whenever i turn a quest in.

might just be people in the area, might just be on my end…it doesn’t bother me too much…long as it doesn’t crash my system. already happened once to me, i’d rather not see that again. >.<

I just want to go back to putting my files in the sound folder like I did before I dont need a program to do it for me. I already unpack wow and dig around and tear it all apart anyway trying to find stuff so im more then capable of adding my own files. Part of me honestly wants to just repackage the game client with my own sound files in it and say screw blizz and their tos they wouldn’t know what sounds are played on my end if the names are the same


I know the topic is very old but i’ve found a workaroud in wow sl for people still wanting to replace sounds when casting a spell.

  1. First you’ll need to add in your repertory “…\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\AddOns” two addons :
  • MuteSoundFile
  • WeakAuras

You can find these addons on wowcurse.

  1. Mute the sounds you dont like

Studmuffyn has explained how to do this in this topic. You can mute sounds in game too with this addon.

  1. Create a new repertory “sounds” in “…\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface” and put there all your favorite sounds file.

For instance we’ll have these files :
“…\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\sounds\sound1.ogg”
“…\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\sounds\sound2.ogg”
“…\World of Warcraft_retail_\Interface\sounds\sound3.ogg”

  1. Open weakaura for configuration

4.1. In “Trigger” tab :
Type = Combat Log
Message Prefix = Spell
Message Suffix = Cast Success
Source Unit = Player (check the checkbox)
Spell Id = XXXXX (check the checkbox)
Hide = Timed and Duration (s) = 1

You can find the spell id in wowhead, for instance the paladin tank spell id is located in the url (it’s 53595)

4.2. In “Actions” tab :
Search the “On Show” unit tab and check the “Custom” checkbox,
Copy and past the following code

local sounds = {
local ran = math.random(1, #sounds)
PlaySoundFile(sounds[ran], “dialog”)

You can add as much as sound you want for the same spell.

I hope this will help and sorry in advance for my bad english (im french),

Best regards

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