Custom sound files not working

lol that was something I did as a joke I said the only thing more annoying then jainas dialog between 2nd and 3rd bosses was the dialog in a 1970 porno film. So I got some sound bites and replaced her dialog with them and it was so funny cuz well she repeats like the same 4 lines over and over like a stuck record

Still nothing : /

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I just tried this as well since I have the game sound off most of the time…
why is it so loud??? :sob::persevere::tired_face:

I don’t understand why they keep updating sounds when they sounded fine in this first place…

I have no idea. :pensive:

I want my custom sound files back!


I never even though to mod the sound files… I knew people had do it to models but not sounds. I would agree that the sounds in the game are rather bland for the most part.

Still waiting for a follow-up reply on this by devs. I will try Tweeting to a couple places, but I doubt it will help. Keep up the good fight, guys! Don’t let this thread or this one UI Changes in Rise of Azshara die until we have answers.

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I think our “reply” was the mini patch that enabled the above addon to work.

Now we just need an API where we can override sounds in a similar fashion. Using an addon to specify a sound ID then putting in the name of the file we want to override it with in the WoW/Sounds folder.

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Hopefully on Tuesday we’ll get something like that or just a direct way to do it as before.


I havent been able to get casc to work for me since Legion ;l Maybe I’m just dumb.

Adding another voice urging Blizz to correct this. The ability to use custom sounds has become integral to my enjoyment of the game. Destroying this feature diminishes the experience overall.


No response on Twitter, so our best bet is here. Keep on posting! :slight_smile:

I am having serious withdrawals from my rifle and Vanilla bow sound files. A little feedback from the blues would be appreciated.


Just realized that my Quest Progress Sounds mod doesn’t work now either. No more “work, work” or “work complete” to notify me of my progression anymore.

Blizz: you may like your sound files, but some of us want to change or add others. Stop forcing “our way or no way at all” down our throats.


No new updates or fixes for overriding sound files today. :frowning:

works good, has the peon sounds,

I also was able to get my PeonQuestComplete addon to work by replacing the folllowing peon sounds:

Located in peonquestcomplete.lua

ALWAYS make a back up of your .lua file!

questComplete = “Sound/Creature/Peon/PeonBuildingComplete1.ogg”,


questComplete = “558132”,

with 558132 being the sound id for PeonBuildingComplete1.ogg

objectiveComplete = “Sound/Creature/Peon/PeonReady1.ogg”,


objectiveComplete = “558137”,

with 558137 being the sound id for Sound/Creature/Peon/PeonReady1.ogg
(says “ready to work”)

objectiveProgress = “Sound/Creature/Peon/PeonYes3.ogg”,


objectiveProgress = “558147”,

with 558147 being the sound id for Sound/Creature/Peon/PeonYes3.ogg
(says “work work”)

you can look up all the sound ids on

if you want to make the addon work completely, all I did was replace the peon sounds :O)


Anyone had any luck with anything or any updates

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Not so far, no. I may send in a ticket and create a thread in the Customer Service forums later about this though. I am about to send in-game feedback requesting that they make it possible for us to override sound files again as well.

I asked one of the UI devs about this, they haven’t heard anything about any plans for replacing sound files. It seems they are not involved either way if it’s a database kind of thing

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Welp. I guess all we can do now is complain everywhere and hope they listen.

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The squeaky wheel gets the grease lets make some noise

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I was going to post that today and you beat me to it! Absolutely!

I have Tweeted @BlizzardCS, @WarcraftDevs, @WatcherDev, @devolore, @Araxom over the past few days with no luck.

Also signed up for Reddit. :roll_eyes: Anyone know of any more active CMs/devs on Twitter or Reddit? I am endeavoring to ask wherever/whoever I can.
