Current Web Armory Profile issues

My character armory page, Venusaur-Azralon, is not updating when I close my game, this same problem occurred last week and was only fixed on Tuesday, server maintenance day.
Armory not updating again :(
I would also like to say my armory has not been updated in about 3 days now.
I am also having this same issue where my armory page will not update.
Armory not updating. Wowprogress/Pwn and other sites not able to pull data due to Armory API.
well its been 8 days armory not updating do something pls
Same problems as above been a while, since 7.2.5 patch rolled out armory hasn't updated.
It would appear, at least for me, that if you look at other pages within the armory profile itself, the information has updated. The primary page (from which the API pulls all of its information) does not update anything but character image, even with pretty much instant transmog changes - but no gear, raid progress, PvP, or achievement updates.
Armory hasn't updated since 7.2.5 dropped. A lot of threads popping up here now concerning this. Please look into it :)
My armory page for Hutchyo-Gilneas hasn't updated in 13 days, still showing I've only killed the first boss on heroic, but I'm now 9/9H w/ 925 item level. Glad to know I'm not the only one this is happening too, I hope they can fix it soon, I've been getting kicked from groups or straight up not invited because of what the armory is showing.
When will you fix the incorrect armor colors being reflected in the armory?

Or you can just look at my armory profile to see what I mean.
Not sure if everyone is having same issue, but armory stopped updating for me since the beginning of this week.
My 110 toon has not been updated it says im 90 but im 110. i can post on this toon but it wont let post on my 110 holy paladin named Briienne on Emerald Dream server. And i cant post on my realms forums on that toon. Ive been playing this(My Pally) toon for months now so i dont know what the problem is.when i try to post it says This game license has expired or been cancelled. Ive been subbed for months now. so im forced to post on my warrior.Your help is appreciated.

So it seems this has been ongoing for about a year now. My profile on my paladin still wont update.

Is there something we can do in the meantime to try to solve it? I read in another forum about someone taking off there pvp gear from season 4, then logging out, then logging back in. Is that something we can try or is there kind of temporary workaround?
Hey all!

The status of the reported issues listed below should be FIXED now.

  • Character Levels, stats and items not updating

  • This appears to be broken again.
    Not updating on any of my toons on Farstriders the last couple of days.
    09/07/2016 04:59 PMPosted by Baardoch
    Hey everyone,

    Since there have been a few threads on similar topics and I wanted to consolidate the discussion and acknowledge that we are aware of the issues the community is seeing.

    Character Levels, stats and items not updating: In Progress
    We have identified issues with character profiles that are preventing them from updating properly. We applied a partial fix yesterday, so some of you may begin seeing characters update once you logout. We are close to a larger solution, but I don’t have a firm ETA yet.

    Character images and portraits not updating: In Progress
    We’re currently working with the game team to figure out the root cause and implement a solution so that you can return to seeing your Character in all their Legion glory.

    Demon Hunter weapons not showing: In Progress
    We believe that we have some solutions in place as a part of the larger Character Image update, and it should roll out at the same time as the image and portrait updates. We don’t have an ETA on when exactly to share right now, but we’ll try to provide an update when we can

    I wanted to make sure I shared some information on the issues in the interest of ongoing transparency and I’m hoping to keep this updated as we as we go. Please continue to report items here and we’ll make sure to take a look.

    Not gonna lie, its very frustrating and rather annoying when i can't continuously update my progress. it's been behind for 2 days now.
    Armory still not updating. Had a H KJ kill the other night and it's not posting. Most of the time I don't care but being a healer running higher content, my M+ scores and achievements are being looked up. Wow progress can't update without armory updates. Hope this gets fixed soon.
    Armory shows my last update/logout as 4 days ago--been playing every day.... also not tracking new boss kills we got this week in TOS. Most guildies reporting same issues.
    This is still going on. Lots of bladefist/kultiras characters not updating.
    Not updating, ilvl is stuck 15-20 lower than what is ingame and not showing current raid kills on bosses