Current Web Armory Profile issues

until last monday everytime i logged off wow armory would update gear and everything.

got a new piece of loot monday evening and a new transmog and them it stopped updating.

just letting you guys know this is still an unfixed issue.
I've noticed it's displaying my shoulders as 855, when they are in fact 870.
any eta on the armory and showing your current gear??
interesting havent played for six weeks, but was checking armory occasionally, had all my toons listed. now only the two characters i have played in-game have gone missing from armory, and no others. anyone else experience this?
03/24/2017 09:49 PMPosted by Gahzen
interesting havent played for six weeks, but was checking armory occasionally, had all my toons listed. now only the two characters i have played in-game have gone missing from armory, and no others. anyone else experience this?

I am having this same problem. All of the toons that I have looged into today are not found on armory.

Update: My mains profile seems to be fixed.
03/24/2017 11:05 PMPosted by Geremick
03/24/2017 09:49 PMPosted by Gahzen
interesting havent played for six weeks, but was checking armory occasionally, had all my toons listed. now only the two characters i have played in-game have gone missing from armory, and no others. anyone else experience this?

I am having this same problem. All of the toons that I have looged into today are not found on armory.

The same.. Apparently play ingame-- not just log in, but interact with a NPC at the minimum-- and online forums says you no exist. This is, technically, an inconveinence-- you don't have to be able to post on the forums to play the game-- but it is one heck of one. Hopefully soon resolved...
I'm having issues as well Blizz- Your mobile armory app, this page, and your page will not allow me to pull up any of my 110s. I can select my 101s or lower, but not my 3 110s. I get a "Oops Character not found" message. Please correct.

I was directed to post here from a conversation with support chat.

I have multiple armory related issues.

1. My main is Aerna-Eonar, a blood DK, and I cannot select this profile when posting on the WoW forums.

2. When using the Armory App, everything is extremely dated. I am seeing "challenge mode" results from MoP dungeons. When I am on the app page, I see screenshots with lots of legion content, none of which is available to me.

3. Often when I am playing the game on my PC, it will say that my hunter is online for remote chat for HOURS. Even if I've killed the app, logged out, reset my phone, etc.

Thank you!
Dear Blizz, my 3 main characters on Barthilas have never had an armory since I created them about 2 weeks ago.
Is there any possible fixes to get characters to update on armory? Had no problems with toons showing up in armory when making it in US servers but making it in Frostmourne, all toons are not showing.

Help pls
04/11/2017 02:49 AMPosted by Ariscia
Dear Blizz, my 3 main characters on Barthilas have never had an armory since I created them about 2 weeks ago.

Same issue here lol

I dunno why
To those who had issues with missing characters I sort of found a solution

It works for me but it's tedious.
mobile scrolling on the armory is painful, whatever you're doing that's affecting default scroll functionality... please stop. ios chrome. scrolling works fine here.
Bastion of Twilight is incorrectly reporting 4/5 Killed on Normal for me when Sinestra DOES NOT EXIST ON NORMAL MODE. Fix it please? :D

Edit: Same for LFR and Normal Throne of Thunder for Ra-Den, he does NOT exist there! <.<
One long-standing armory issue isn't mentioned in the official list, raid finder versions of armor aren't showing up with the proper colors.

As a transmog fan, I hate it when my armory doesn't look like I do... It works fine if i transmog another item to look like the raidfinder gear, but there's no way to transmog it to look like itself :'(
Issues with Achievements for Grimelle-Dreadmaul. Recent achievements showing but mid-long time ago achievements not showing eg Double agent complete 06/08/14 showing on as incomplete. But Darkmoon Racer Roadhog complete 09/05/17 correctly showing as complete.

Logged in and out a few times, changed gear. No change.

Raised a ticket and reported as 'feedback' on the website, GM's can't affect the website and they can't tell me where to report this problem to get it fixed. Is this finally the correct place to report it?

Please advise and or fix.
Name gets cutoff on Chrome (Android) - Galaxy S7 Edge
05/10/2017 04:14 AMPosted by Grimelle
Issues with Achievements for Grimelle-Dreadmaul. Recent achievements showing but mid-long time ago achievements not showing eg Double agent complete 06/08/14 showing on as incomplete. But Darkmoon Racer Roadhog complete 09/05/17 correctly showing as complete.

Logged in and out a few times, changed gear. No change.

Raised a ticket and reported as 'feedback' on the website, GM's can't affect the website and they can't tell me where to report this problem to get it fixed. Is this finally the correct place to report it?

Please advise and or fix.

Same here, main paladin toon missing several THOUSAND points (and not just mount/faction dependant), but ones such as Pepe meta and Collect an heirloom...meanwhile, in-game I can ride the heirloom mount and have the Pepe whistle toy. Submitted a ticket, but was told "we can't do anything about it, submit a bug" and was linked to this thread in the ticket. As a casual player now, points are all some guilds look at, so please fix this annoying bug.
Here we go - currently missing several thousand achievement points on my armory that I clearly have. If you click on (one of many examples) "stable keeper" it even shows a full green bar 10/10, but awards no points/greyed out. Wearing the Fasionista title, but says I have zero appearance sets/points. Logged out on the chauffeured mount, but says I haven't even collected 1 heirloom. The list of examples could go on and on... Please fix this.
My DH toon should be ranked 7th on server according to my gear score but shows I'm 400 something. No amount of Live updating fixes this. This has been an issue from the beginning of the Expansion. What gives Blizz? Peeps wanna see their toons & how they rank next to others in there guild/realm.