Current Version of Wrath is Great

To quote some idiot somewhere… “wrong”.

You bump it with every reply. Nobody is making you.

The first post is. The vast majority of replies (that aren’t you) aren’t. As usual.

Sure I am, like so many times in the past. This is a dance that has played out many times before. If you think the writing isn’t on the wall, you’ve never been through something like this with Blizzard before. Blizzard doesn’t like noise.

The only thing that will stop RDF coming to the game at this point is if Blizzard can’t find a face-saving way to do it, which they already have in the form of the ICC patch. It’ll suck to have to wait until then, but if it has to be, so be it. In the meantime, we just keep making noise, and it may come sooner! Whether or not it comes at all is a forgone conclusion at this point, all other behaviors continuing as is.

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You post on an inactive lvl 63 for deception. Not for continuity.

HAHA! You bumped it and are whining that I replied?

Cool. I’ll keep on replying then. More people will see that I like the game.

Doesn’t matter if a majority or a minority want RDF; you aren’t getting it.

I’m sure they’ll add it for Cata. Won’t bother me any. I won’t play that expansion. I’m glad they are leaving Wrath the way it is. Their current LFG tool works great.

I’m specifically NOT whining that you are replying, can’t you read? I love that you’re replying. Every reply inflates the appearance of conflict. I bumped it so as to continue its visibility, I would have thought that would be obvious. Thanks for the acquiescence. Not only do we get the many new threads on RDF every day, but I can bump 10 day old threads and you gleefully keep them active for me too :smile:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I sure will! The more they see that we like the game the way it is the better. They already heard from your camp for months. They acknowledged they did. They chose to skip it anyway. Looks like they understand who will pay better than you do; cause, you’re still here!

Deceiving who? Do you think I care what you think? I posted on the first toon it selected. I’m not going to change my behavior because you think I need to do something different.

Thank you for the post. I’d say this snippet summarizes my feelings quite well.

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i mean u have like 400 post count, so forums are not new to you. so how can you claim you didn’t know about the drama behind rdf. As you make a rdf post. lol.

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Easy. I didn’t read the forums till I came here for something else. I stopped following Blizzard a couple years ago.

sureeeeee you did. thats just as old as all the people saying only 10 days left on my sub, blizz better add x or y or i’m gone forever. then 11 days later they start posting on a diff. alt lol.

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They had like 3 years to prep for wrath. They knew it would be extremely popular and if they just made smart moves up until now they would be making bank till wrath ended.

Kind of annoying how short sighted they were with classic.

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You seem to think I care if you believe me? Maybe you’re obsessed with them and you’re projecting. I don’t need to justify my forum activity to you. I came here looking for a bug, saw all the discussions, chose to share that I like the game. If you can’t emotionally cope with that; it’s all good. Doesn’t impact me.

yes and during what you shared just happened to almost exclusively ramble on about rdf. you sure had alot prepared for someone who only came here quick for a bug. and sure seem quick to reply to anyone saying anything similar to this to you lol. dont need to lie. jsut be honest this is what you were going for the whole time.

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You’re making things up. My post is fine how it is.

Obviously someone who doesn’t know that WoLK:C is on retail code, with many retail features already implemented. LMAO, awful trolling, get good…

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Restore dks to our original out the gate overpowered selfs!
Make dks great again!
Buff dks!
But seriously tho

This current version would be better if they allowed rdf for pre wotlk content.

Leveling alts needs some love

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I doubt that.

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Do you have proof of this or are you just pulling stuff out of where the sun doesn’t shine?

literally every version of classic was like this. There is always an increase in players and then it slowly goes down back to normal once the tourists get bored.

This version of the game is still far superior than that of retail. You don’t like this version? Retail has everything you want.

“blizzard” and “making the correct decision” can’t be put into one sentence!

however they’re aware that WotlkC is losing people every day and some certain analyzing sites show that clearly

“tourists” ha?
most quitters already played a lot in tbcc and only quitted because of blizzard fail decision or because wotlkc did fail their expectation for the reason “it’s not even the same as original Nor it was changed to the better”

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Only someone who has never played the original game would say that. It just shows you’re clueless or a liar. For example I want the wrath talent trees and the wrath rdf. Retail doesn’t have one but has the other. I don’t want the cata loot boxes for tanks and healers in dungeons. I’m not sure about retail but this version of wrath has the cata loot boxes

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