Current Version of Wrath is Great

I don’t think you know what “fact” means either.

You apparently didn’t read anything then.

Oh no! All your abusive language didn’t effect me but taking the time to tell me you’re going to block me is what finally got through…

Like I said multiple times, you don’t have the emotional maturity to be here. I think it’s a wise choice for your health that you’re leaving.

The best way to make a point is to be a hypocrite about that point:

Wrath numbers are greater then retail….i don’t see you’re point.

Similarly, if there were someone advocating for cars to start being shipped with square wheels for the upside of making driving harder for no apparent gain, I’d think they were trolling, ignorant and dumb too.

There is no benefit to the removal of RDF. None.

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False Equivalence Fallacy (From Wikipedia):

equivalence is drawn between two subjects based on flawed or false reasoning…

You make a remark about thinking other people are dumb but decided demonstrate that behavior instead.

That would be true, if the equivalence was false. It is not. You are advocating for an objectively worse feature set for an imagined gain born only out of lack of function.

Thanks for quoting wikipedia for… reasons? Not good ones, mind you… but I’m sure you had reasons.

You’re wrong


You obviously don’t understand logic in discussion. It is clear you aren’t going to make an effort to better yourself. /shrug

You understand that saying “wrong” is not an argument, right?

I explained how the equivalence is correct, if you believe I’m wrong you need to actually say why. Since the only argument against RDF in favor of LFG is because of perceived value in adversity, it is a fact that you are arguing for an objectively worse option functionally because of a subjective value attribution to a negative sum gain.

Pretending to hold some sort of logical superiority does not work without proving some form of logical thoroughness in your argument. Spend less time making arguments to authority, and more time making actual arguments.

I don’t need to argue. I don’t agree with you. A large community of people don’t agree with you. Most importantly, Blizzard doesn’t agree with you and your opinion doesn’t matter.

No you didn’t.

Subjective. Don’t agree.

You compared two incomparable things. I did not.

I don’t need to provide anything. I already got what I wanted. The game is great how it is and they are keeping it this way. You are still paying so it hasn’t harmed Blizzard to make the correct choice.

You’re right, you don’t. But since you ARE arguing, saying “wrong” is not a functional, winning argument.

Yes, I did.

Not subjective. RDF is objectively faster and more effective at making groups. It requires a subjective modifier to overlook the objectively better performance of RDF at creating groups. It’s fine if you hold such an opinion, but it is a subjective opinion. Objectively, the RDF is faster, more efficient, and removes unnecessary busywork.

Like I said; Preferring LFG to RDF requires a subjective value attribution to adversity for the sake of adversity. There is no intrinsic or objective value to adversity.

See above; the two things are directly comparable, by virtue of being insertion of arbitrary adversity due to a perceived value, against the objective evidence to the contrary.

You do if you want to convince people that you aren’t “a troll, ignorant, stupid”. You claim not to care, yet you keep replying and bumping the threads. If you actually didn’t care, you wouldn’t reply. If you felt comfortable that Blizzard is unconvincable, you would be busy playing the game, rather than engaging with arguments on the forum while claiming to not be arguing and not needing to convince anyone of anything.

If you think there is no harm in continued negative commentary on the game you haven’t been around that long.

You think you get to control the constraints. You don’t.

No they aren’t. You have to be intentionally daft to think your silly example was comparable to the discussion.

I don’t care what people think about me liking the game as it is released.

I care that they keep it how it is. You’re inventing the other things.

You don’t get authority in determining how people spend their time. Your arrogance is showing.

My commentary is that I like the game and I’m glad they are ignoring you. I’m here to commend them. You’re here whining.

I’m not creating ANY constraints. You are. Constraints are required for LFG to be considered comparable to RDF. The only definition necessary for RDF to be considered superior is that the point of the tool is to create functional dungeon groups in the quickest timeframe. If you are trying to claim that that is an unfair or subjective constraint, you are arguing in bad faith from the outset, because the alternative to this description is “make function dungeon groups in less than the quickest timeframe”.

This is no more relevant than you saying “wrong”. You have yet to actually address the content of the argument in any real sense. Saying “you’re wrong, no they aren’t” isn’t an argument.

A square wheel is a tool that facilitates the functional traversal of roads, in a less efficient and more bumpy way than circular wheels do. LFG is a tool that facilitates the creation of dungeon groups, in a less efficient and more bumpy way than RDF does.

Yes you do, or you wouldn’t be 300 posts deep in this thread. It doesn’t matter how many times you say you don’t care if your actions don’t match your words. It’s like an alcoholic saying they can stop when they want to while skulling a bottle of whiskey.

As per above, what you say and what you do are evidence of internal incoherence. You’re not arguing about the value of LFG vs. RDF, you’re arguing about people being mean to you, and logical fallacies that didn’t occur, and claims to authority nobody made. At no point in the thread have you made a logically sound argument that has any relevance to the actual content of the discussion, rather than trying to win argument points.

This is another form of argument that has nothing to do with the actual discussion, and only acts as a means of deflection. No rational person would think that I think I do have authority in determining how you spend your time. Again; what I said is that your actions belie your words. That is to say, the points to which you choose to respond, and the means by which you respond to them, say that you absolutely do care what people think about you and your opinions, and that you enjoy argument for argument’s sake. Saying “no I don’t” or “I don’t care what you think” doesn’t change this; it is a description of your actions thus far, not a belief.

Discord of any kind is favorable to changing the status quo. Every time that any post about RDF gets bumped for an argument to continue, you are doing us a favor. So thanks; not only do you get to sound silly, but you also contribute to the eventual inclusion of RDF. We salute you.

Speak for yourself

Related to what dictates whether RDF is good or bad for the game, you think you get to decide what the reasons are. You don’t.

Actually, no, I don’t have to do anything.

You are inventing things. You don’t know what I care about it and you’re wrong.


I don’t have to argue. The game is already how I want it. You’re not important. You aren’t Blizzard. Blizzard agreed with me and released the game without toxic bad choices. There is no need to argue since it’s already perfect.

You don’t get to dictate the terms of how I communicate. You can keep typing a book about it but it won’t change.

They’ve seen your arguments since April. They’ve acknowledged they’ve seen them. They’ve acknowledged they knew it would cause friction. Then in August, they made their decision anyway and they aren’t adding RDF. I’m not worried. I’ll keep bumping threads letting them know they did a great job ignoring all the whining and keeping the game in its best form.

I am. I’m speaking for me, my family, my friends, my guild mates, and all the people I keep grouping with who share the same sentiment.

Conversely, if you are implying you don’t like it, it seems silly that you’re paying to be here.

The forum access to tell Brian Birmingham and the Rest of blizzard to take a pisser is worth the price of admission.

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You’re 63. You’re not even in Northrend yet.

Awesome! The more of you that pay to complain the better it is for me because they’ll keep things the way they are!

Not going to bother with anything prior to this, it’s all nonsense that anyone reading can decipher for themselves. You claim not to “need to argue”, while bumping the thread with an argument for weeks. Your words and actions are clearly incongruent.

Great, good to hear! Like I said; the continued bumping of many threads with continued argument about the lack of RDF is only good for changing the status quo, not maintaining it. The same as for you, what Blizzard says and what they do are often not the same thing. If they decide that it is in their interest (mostly; financial), they will absolutely change it, as they have done many other times.

The access comes free with regular wow? Furthermore, the squeaky wheel, as so often is the case, gets the grease. Noise = change. Not that complicated.

LOL! You’re adorable that you think people only have one character.

Nah! My words and actions have been consistent.

I didn’t bump the thread. You’re making things up.

This thread is about liking the game how it is. All it takes is a few seconds of reading comprehension to determine that.

You’re not getting your way; not that complicated.

plan accordingly

No one believes a thing you say. Trolls hide their mains. It is known.

I have plenty of mains. I post on one character for continuity. The fact that you add value to anything you said makes you little.